Final try at TwinPeak E ridge via WF SG river 10/25(no pics)

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by AW~ »

Earlier attempt:

Started up Hwy39 just past 12, not surprised that a car was on my tail just pas the housing development where the cops turn around to go back to Asuza. About 20 cars on the way to the trail, most individually parked on the far side of turnoffs, but this being Hwy 39 and all....there was a dust cloud up ahead and a group of individuals waving their arms. Granted coming down was a car with its high beams on to add to the mixture. One of the guys stepped into the road, but being that there were no cars coming my way he managed to get out of the way of my car avoiding death. Finally arrived to the West Fork where the car that had been tailing me finally turned around. Here there were about 5 cars with youths discussing serious thermodynamics.. :lol: ..nah I passed by them going all the way to the end where there were more people. I returned and parked back at the early bird parking lot(where there was an undamaged car already parked) and outwaited the cars.

Finally around 1am hit Bear Creek and its 'trail'. Early part had graffiti arrows at the to the camp and likely scared the daylights out of the camper(no doubt the same person who was in the parking lot). As I progressed further, the usefulness of a spare D flashlight was becoming increasingly questionable...basically it was so dark it was next to worthless at where to rejoin the trail at river crossings. I tried to catch a siesta at a couple of places, but was too unnerved at the noises sometimes just feet away. Of course I did not pack on purpose a spare emergency blanket, and tried to curl up at the Wilderness sign. Cold set in, so I had to exercise/think the time away. View was excellent as Twin Peaks was lit up by the moon.

Set out and soon thereafter was startled by a upright bear against a tree. Bear panicked and headed upcanyon..I caught up with bear later and alerted bear to that. Bear took off up river, sort of like seeing a live action zoo as it put some major power moves scrambling/swimming up river.

Sun rose fast and finally hit 'Triplet' creek which was bone dry...except for the swimmer(of course)....very short swim..the canyon turns and viola, a 90ft 2 tiered dry waterfall. Got to bypass this but shortly above that got stopped by a 50ft dry waterfall. Decided to just go up and hope to see something, but only the same views as before, just closer. Brush was dense. End result is there is no dayhike of pt6151...ok maybe Bob Burd,etc on fast speed...but it would be an all dayer for sure.

Returned(picked up the rope BTW, thanks Taco)...and since I had some time left went to go try out a trail I named Mermaid Draw...since it connects the mermaid peaks to Bear Creek. I took it about 200ft short of the mermaid ridge...but it did connect to the ridge...steep recollection is about 1000ft for 1/4 can also tolerate very few ascents per back at 3pm ,everything safe.
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Post by Taco »

Da bears.

That place seems to enjoy denying access to us. :lol:
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Post by AW~ »

I knew what I was getting into was a longshot at best so I wasnt disappointed. Mermaid Draw is nifty though. I thought of naming it 'Iron Mtn is for sissies' but thought twice after remebering the Augie's approach of Iron Mtn from Fish Fork. This draw is only a meager 2500ft gain.... 8)...Per the topo mapper-acme, the first part is 1000ft in less than 3/16 of a mile...last part 700ft in 1/4 mile.
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Post by Taco »


Hey, this winter, I hope to head back up there, probably camping near where you picked up the rope. Might give Twin Peaks another shot, but focusing on a different ridg than Triplet Rocks. Probably thinking of descending to Triplet, then descending down to the camp, as bushwhacking downhill might be easier. (gravity assisted!)
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Post by AW~ »

Im going back once things cool down for the mermaid ridge should join me as you would really get to see the area in close detail....
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Post by Taco »

Yeah, IF it cools down. Taking way too long. It felt like early September today in Baldy Village... :?

North side of the Mermaid "massif" or set of peaks, right? I also wanna give the Chileno Headwall a look. Some of the rock around that area connecting to West Twin looks good from afar.
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Post by AW~ »

Yup, the mermaids....Im pretty sure pk3705 is very acheivable...goal would be far as Chileno ...thats stuff is a ways off for me...although that canyon from the WF SG river is on my list for the winter....the area you refer to I call Canyon X. Starts from the west ridge of Twin(I refer to it as the 3 trees since its a bunch of barren rock topped with some isolated trees)..then drops like a big gash in the earth to a rugged brushless area....that kind of stuff maybe no one has ever gone to...ever....first the mermaids though....I wonder what the view far as I hiked it was views of Hwy39,Islip, Pine, Monrovia..and the obvious Smith and the peak north of it.


Actuals of the 2 peaks...

Pk3705 as seen from Hwy39&Hwy2...
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Post by Taco »

Definitely a good one for the winter! Sounds like a great trip. I am ready to go. 8)
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Post by AW~ »

Did go back to Mermaid Draw Sun 10/23...was wondering why I thought it was so steep on the earlier trip until the last section which went by slow-mo for me(it was about 70 degree gradient which basically is scrambling). The draw topped out right before the next 700 climb to the peak and only had a 180 view at that point...incl the unique view into Big Mermaid canyon(been there already), which had some nice changing trees far down below. A couple thankfully short 4th class uphill sections got me to the base of the climb but thats about as far as I could go since I hadnt brought any gear for a min 4th class brush free section coming up(more worried about going down than up) I was nervous about losing the memory of the way I ate lunch at the base this rugged terrain(sometimes just a couple of feet across), in wilderness...nah...I could hear the cars speeding around on Hwy39...+ there was the sound of perhaps firepower from somehwere...sounded like a firing range since it didnt really stop...still a neat view, despite haze to the south and east.

Time to climb Mermaid draw was 1 hour and the trip was a total of 6 hours. Learnt that there was no way I could hike to Triplet Jr so thats off as this area is the real McCoy and no sneaky bypasses availabe. I may go at this particular one again when theres snow on them there mountains to add to the view..and of course Twin Peaks is cool as always, although I didnt get to see it up close as usual. Bear Creek still flowing and the west fork SG river. Nothing damaged, and only the usual graffiti at the same places.

Taco, you should still get out to the draw eventually, theres a nice tall crag to climb that is the left side of the draw...and pk 3705 for people who like exposed steep ridges.
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Post by Taco »

Sorry I couldn't go! Fan clutch was toast on my car, and replaced the wrong part at first.

Sounds great though... how big is that crag?
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Post by AW~ »

guess it would be considered 800ft tall....but I would think its better to climb it near the top of Mermaid draw(where there is plenty of 5th class to go to)...that way you could setup your own distance...some other options as well....instead of taking the 'path' up, there are drainages that can be scrambled with some climbing(sometimes they have zero side escape possibilities though).

IMO, easy to be caught offguard in terrain like this since it doesnt play any games and gets right to work after the first few steps..hard for me to be prepared for 1000ft x 3/16 of a mile since Im not a rock recommendation would be to try to go for pk 3705 and if its too much then settle for the crag...which by the top of the draw you will be well acquainted with.

As far as the draw itself, I found it helpful to repeat 1000X3/16 in my when theres something it looks like you can go climb that climb is probably a lot higher than it looks...luckily the 700 climb after that is easy to see how steep it is and the alternatives available...and the 2 4th class scrambling I did after that a good test since they have fatal penalty points.

Heres the goggle earth image of the crag and is the same one as the picture from Hwy2...mermaid draw being the yellow arrow

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Post by Taco »

Just up top? I remember scoping that ridge and not seeing anything I cna remember, nor taking any pictures of that.
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Post by AW~ »

scope it from Smith mountain then it was too far away..scoping from the creek trail, its out of for the best climb, I put the wording in the wrong place...should be more to the right...basically its very hard to avoid some kind of climb to get to the top of that ridge...goggle earth makes it looks like the draw is 45 degrees..not...
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