Strawberry Peak West Ridge

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by tekewin »

Clear Creek Fire Station and started up the Josephine fire road. The climb to Josephine saddle was uneventful. We headed right to pick up the Colby Canyon Trail and got our only shade of the day on the north side of the saddle. We were looking out for the use trail on the right up the ridgeline to Strawberry but walked right by it. It is very faint and cuts sharply about 100 feet past the point where the trail starts to wind around to the north side of Strawberry Peak. On the way back, I built a rock cairn where the use trail starts. Missing the use trail ended up creating a close call that could have earned either one of us a hospital visit.

Josesphine Fire Road

Strawberry Peak

New cairn marking the ridge use trail

We continued down Colby Canyon Trail for about half a mile until a GPS check showed we had missed the use trail. We considered heading back to look for it, but since we missed it the first time, decided to scale the ridge next to us and intersect the use trail. After topping the first ridge, we followed a dry creek to the top of the next ridge. Noel was about 20' behind me as we crested it when I heard him drop an F-bomb. A snake had struck at him and missed. I came back and saw a juvenile rattlesnake, maybe 3' long, moving under a bush. I had walked over the exact same spot where Noel encountered the snake, but never saw it. It never rattled to warn Noel. Soon we were back on the use trail, but since 5 years had passed since the area was officially open, large swaths of trail had gone feral. Dead and living poodle dog bush and buckthorn lined the trail and while the trail was never completely choked, there were sections where contact with one or both were unavoidable. The next challenge was a roughly 100' section of class 2 boulder scrambling I called Strawberry Notch. After the notch, we took a short break before tackling the vertical class 3 section of the west ridge. Climbing a short distance up the west ridge, Noel spotted the first painted arrow, showing the best route. The arrows were green, purple, and white, and were very helpful. Some were placed to aid people downclimbing and we made good use of the arrows both ways.

Feral trail

Noel working down Strawberry Notch

Painted arrow

One of the class 3 sections

Nearing the top

Noel and the Germans on the summit

Battered metal box with a fresh register inside tupperware

Baldy a long way off

Wilson cluster from above and behind

Josephine Peak, Hoyt and Lukens in the background (I think)

The down climb on the ridge was fun, and again the arrows were helpful. The few times we strayed from the main route, it was obvious because we hit class 4+ or a cliff. We successfully followed the use trail all the way back to the Colby Canyon Trail, but it led over a bump with an unexpected 50-75' class 3 down climb. The cross country route we came up completely bypassed this section and I think it was easier than following the use trail. With that bit of extra adventure behind us, we cruised down Josephine Fire Road back to the car. It was a great day in the mountains with high adventure and big fun.

Starting the down climb

The bump with the other short class 3 section

Fresh cairn where the use trail leaves Colby Canyon Trail. The approach from Josephine Road is from the other side.
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Post by cab »

Nice report and pictures. Keep 'em coming!
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Post by Sean »

Thanks for the report. Lots of action on Strawberry now. And I don't mean the romantic kind of action.

Just thought I should clarify that.
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Post by Augie »

Thanks for the TR. Haven't done west ridge route since before the fire. It does look awfully "feral."
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

One of my favorite hikes pre-Station Fire. Nice to see that it can be done again, but the shade is all gone. :(

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Post by JerryN »

This answers my question in the other thread. Most of the Poodle Dog Bush in Strawberry Notch is gone. I saw a little in your pictures, but easily avoided.

Nice pictures, I will have to go back soon.
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