mattmaxon wrote: I for one would use some other characters besides the "X" for locations
Such as? But be aware that all I've got is my keyboard with MS Paint. The nice thing about an "X" is that the center is fairly clear as to it's position.
It's definitely hard to tell the difference between a black "X" for a camp and a blue "X" for water. I've thought about "W" for water...
That CalTop embed is pretty nice. I'd argue though that your map trace is incorrect near the wilderness boundary. The S Fork Trail goes through the saddle not up and over the shoulder of the mountain. I believe the topo map is simply wrong here.
The Park Symbols are nice, but they're a bit large and tend to obscure the topo map -- but they did give me some ideas. Here's what I've come up with using wingdings symbols. I think I like it, and it's a definite improvement over "X's":
mattmaxon wrote: I did up date it with track data...
So your GPS data tracks with what the topo map says? Wow.
I mean, the trail is shown going up at least three contour lines (at least 120 feet) up and over a shoulder and then back down to meet the trail coming in from Poopout Hill. I've done that trail more times than I can remember. My experience is that the trail contours easterly, goes through the small saddle shown on the map, and then drops very slightly down to meet the trail coming in from Poopout Hill. The trail is very clearly going through a saddle.
Tom Harrison on his map shows both. (the very fact that he shows the route I'm describing is pretty good evidence that it is the route that actually exists).
Next time you're up that way, carefully examine the landscape. I'm pretty sure there's no trail up and over the shoulder. The trail goes through the saddle.
I prefer the new style for planning trips. I can better see what kind of drop I'm coming up to, or how big a wall or something is just by glancing at it. Also, if the vegetation shown on the map is very accurate, it really helps when you're doing something new and want to find a less-brushy section of hell.
But the old one is good for basic navigation at it's purest. I would use this for certain kinds of outings.
I downloaded those ttf's and got them working (they didn't seem to work until I put them in the "Microsoft Shared" folder for some reason although that shouldn't be necessary).
Some of those are really nice and will be useful for future maps (I probably won't go back and re-do everything immediately since it's a lot of work). Thanks very much for the tip.