Wilderness Crest Trail (Cucamonga Peak)

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Post by Illusive »

lesper4 wrote: Going up Cucamonga Peak this Sunday, should be getting a nice start around 7:30. Hopefully it doesnt rain on us. Anyone else have experiance up there past Icehouse Saddle? I am sure there is still snow but how much?
9 in our party so far.
There will still be lots of snow and ice past Icehouse saddle, so make sure you have the proper footwear/equipment to traverse the route.

A young man fell to his death a week ago with his brother attempting cucamonga peak.
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Post by HikeUp »

Illusive wrote:
lesper4 wrote: Going up Cucamonga Peak this Sunday, should be getting a nice start around 7:30. Hopefully it doesnt rain on us. Anyone else have experiance up there past Icehouse Saddle? I am sure there is still snow but how much?
9 in our party so far.
There will still be lots of snow and ice past Icehouse saddle, so make sure you have the proper footwear/equipment to traverse the route.

A young man fell to his death a week ago with his brother attempting cucamonga peak.
Not sure what the snow/ice conditions are, but I think the death Illusive is refering to happened in Cucamonga Canyon on the south side of the mountain - not in the area you will be hiking. Unless there was another incident I don't know about.
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Post by HikeUp »

Here's a recent TR from Gigamike. Follow the link to his picutres and pic #52 shows the north side of Cucamonga on May 7th.
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Post by lesper4 »

Perfect thanks, snow does not look to bad, we will be careful after icehoseu saddle as that is the most technical part (in the snow).
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Post by lesper4 »

Well what a day. Started at the parking lot at 8 and it rained on us till we hit the sign next to the big rock. Then it was mostly snow. At the saddle it was BLOWING and the trail map sign there was frozen over 1/2" -1" thick. Headed on over to the next saddle (with only half our group now). The section by the two old mines was almost perfectly still but as soon as we hit the saddle the wind was just bruttle. Rimm ice everwhere about 1-2" thick. We turned around at the point as not everyone was perpared for the weather. The trail for the most part was in great conditions but there were a few sctions that were rather narrow from all the traversing over the winter.
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The Dude
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Post by The Dude »

Would like to do the climb this weekend and am just curious of the current conditions. I have snow and ice gear however the person coming with me does not. If anyone has recently climbed it and has the word on the snow conditions I would greatly appreciate it.
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Post by Layne Cantrell »

The Dude wrote: Would like to do the climb this weekend and am just curious of the current conditions. I have snow and ice gear however the person coming with me does not. If anyone has recently climbed it and has the word on the snow conditions I would greatly appreciate it.
Also Dude, tomorrow's the 10th already.
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Post by hvydrt »

Obviously you're not a golfer.

I dont know the conditions, but I say go for it! There will probably be a little snow from the Big Horn/ Cucamunga saddle to the peak. We might get some snow from this coming storm, but it shouldn't last too long.

Just go for it but be ready to turn back if you see a bunch of snow on that slope above the saddle. You could always hike to Ontario, Big Horn, or Timber if you have to turn around on Cucamunga.
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Post by DukeJH »

I was thinking about doing the same thing but am begging out of Saturday because the Amgen Tour of California is riding up Baldy Rd and it's going to be a zoo with what sounds like huge access problems into Icehouse Canyon unless you get out there Friday evening.

I may go Sunday but don't know yet.
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Post by The Dude »

good info on Saturday....think I will reschedule. However still curious on the conditions.
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Post by lesper4 »

Went to the second saddle last sunday and although it was snowing and blowing hard it was not issue. From the looks of it the peak is doable as well but again I have tried for the peak 3 times and only made it once (straight up the ridge) the other times therew as too much snow or people in my party were not ready. I dont know how much of the trail is on the north side.

I was going to do Baden-Powell this Sunday but conditions sound worse so I may do Cucamonga instead. Going to be cold and windy and chance of rain again :(

I will be on the mountain to watch the race though!
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Post by Tim »

Anyone been to Cucamonga recently? I'm thinking of taking some newbies there soon and was wondering about snow conditions since the trail goes on the north side.
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Post by mattmaxon »

I have not been.

This photo shows Ontario peak from Iron Mtn on Saturday 4/28

My guess is there was likely some snow over on the way to Cucamonga. With temps in the 70's and 80's down lower it is melting fast

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Post by Tim »

Thanks Matt. Even that picture helps because it's showing the north side of Ontario and based on that, chances are in a few weeks any snow won't be an issue. But I might do a recon hike anyway and if I do, I'll report back with conditions.

Thanks again!
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Post by arocknoid »

I went up six days ago; there were a few remnant snow patches in shady areas rapidly turning to slush. The deepest incautious posthole steps were not even to boot top level. Delightful trail conditions.

The increased recent trail graffiti at ICH is most disturbing (even on trees!??!!) as is the brown and green broken glass. Those colors are *not* forest camo beverage containers. grrr But that's below the saddle. For now at least, IHS to Cucamonga peak is clear. Have a great hike, and keep your eye out for deer and bighorn, especially from the mine to the next saddle, and that west slope of that saddle.
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Post by Tim »

Awesome! Thank you very much arocknoid for the report. That's exactly what I was looking for, except for the sad news about the vandalism in IHC :(
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Post by Fargone »

Hello everyone, first post on these boards but I'm a long time lurker.

I'd like to hike Cucamonga this week, and was wondering if anyone has been up the trail recently.

When I went up last year in early May there were still several snow drifts that were thigh-deep or better (including one that tried to slide off the mountain with me in it), and a nice long terrifying section of ice right where the trail turns into a six inch ledge across a near-vertical gully.

I swore I would never do the trail with snow on it again.
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Post by Sean »

Fargone wrote: I'd like to hike Cucamonga this week, and was wondering if anyone has been up the trail recently.
I was up there 2.5 weeks ago and encountered only a few small snow patches on the trail. I'll bet it's all gone by now.

Easy snow obstacle on Cucamonga Peak Trail - April 4

Cucamonga Peak summit trail covered in a little snow - easily avoidable
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Post by tarol »

In the past year or two? How does the trail compare to Mt. Baldy or Baden-Powell?
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Post by RichardK »

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Post by Uncle Rico »

Sean made this trek and more back in April. He's the guy to talk to.

https://eispiraten.com/a ... =cucamonga
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Post by tekewin »

I drove out to Joe Elliot on San Sevaine Road on Friday and hiked to Etiwanda. The Cucamonga Peak Trail leaves the north side of the campground.

The first 1.5 miles of the trail are in good shape, but some minor vegetation is starting to grow in the trail. A few more boots could fix that.

The middle section of the trail, the next 2 miles, is in worse shape. I saw a couple of tree cuts, but there were half a dozen large trees down across the trail. About 150 feet of the eastern most switchback is overgrown with buckthorn. You can take a small drainage up to get back on the trail.

The top 1.5 miles runs around the north side of the Etiwanda ridge. There are some washed out segments of trail, but they were navigable. The last mile is pristine trail through a healthy pine forest. There is a dusting of snow in the shady areas.

I took a gully down on the way back that bypassed the worst part of the trail.

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Post by Mike P »

Thanks!!!! What's the road condition up to Joe Elliott?
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Post by tekewin »

The road is generally in good shape, though you need high clearance in several spots. There was one 30' long pool of water covering the road, about 2' deep. I would suggest 4x4 as well, but not sure it is really needed.

Buckthorn is growing into the road a little. Some places had been recently cut and the trimmings had blown back into the road. I stopped and removed the loose trimmings, but they might blow back into the road.

The gate to the communication towers and San Sevaine lookout was open.
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Post by zZClintEastwoodZz »

nvm i see you have photos on your blog!!! beautiful
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Mike P
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Post by Mike P »

Thanks!!! Your blog is terrific!
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Post by tekewin »

Thanks, guys. I didn't think it warranted a full trip report, but I thought people would be interested in the condition of the trail.
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Post by cahikr »

Nice trip report.
This is one of my new favorites as it has very little traffic.
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