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Where have you been, where have you been, where...

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 2:15 pm
by Elwood
I saw many swarms of Coccinellidae along with this one in Devil's Canyon this morning.

Re: Where have you been, where have you been, where...

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 3:07 pm
by cougarmagic
Cool!! I am always both in awe of, and creeped out by that.

Is there much water in Devil's canyon right now? I've been thinking about going there. It's been a couple of years since I've hiked that trail.

Re: Where have you been, where have you been, where...

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 10:40 am
by Elwood
There are mostly murky pools for the first two miles down canyon, then a bit of flow for the next few. I assume it picks up a bit by the time it reaches Cogswell. This pool was near the trail camp.

Re: Where have you been, where have you been, where...

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 11:51 am
by Hikin_Jim
A word of caution regarding Devil's Canyon and Cogswell: It's pretty tough to go down Devil's Canyon and get to Cogswell. I'm not saying it can't be done but expect technical canyoneering, and expect to do some swimming.

There's a couple of good sized falls a couple of miles down canyon from where the trail drops in. The uppre falls can be bypassed by either a) climbing (perhaps class 2) up the ridge to the left (east) of the falls or by climbing (class 3) down the rock walls surrounding the falls on the east side. The lower falls flow through a narrow defilade and generally cannot be downclimbed w/o technical gear. At the bottom of the lower falls is a large pool that you must swim across to continue down canyon.

BTW, the pool below the upper falls is one of the larger pools I've seen in the SG's. Quite nice for swimming on a hot day. I think the pool below the lower falls is suppossed to be quite large as well, but inasmuch as I'm not a technical canyoneer, I've never actually visited that pool.