Jones Peak: 11-09-2008

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by HikeUp »

Hiked up to Jones Peak this morning. Overnight rain made for cool temps, dust free trails and clear skies - good stuff!

I took the Mt. Wilson Trail up to the crossover trail (about half way between first water and orchard camp) which climbs up to the ridge (3490') between Jones Peak and Hastings Peak, tagged Jones Peak (3375') and descended the south-southeast ridge of Jones Peak to where it crosses the Mt. Wilson Trail at about 1600'. From there it is a quick hike on trail back to the car at 960'. Started at 6:52a, reached Jones Peak at 8:52, back to main trail at 9:37, car at 9:57. I estimate total distance is about 4 miles up to the peak and a bit more than 2 miles down.

Last spring's fire pretty much burned the SSE ridge of Jones Peak which made the descent mostly brush free. One area that didn't burn had obvious use/game trails through the brush. The rain had sort of stabilized the bare dirt which improved footing even on the steepest sections. I don't think I would like to go UP this ridge in it's current state - footing would be very loose for ascending (just my preference. some people might like it).

Had the pleasure of running into lik2hik on the crossover trail - he was heading down, I was heading up. He recognized me from a recent group hike up Mt. Baldy and once I raised my eyes off the trail I also recognized him. Cool stuff. I'm curious what time you reached the trail head?

Looking east (from top of the crossover trail)...

Jones Peak (from top of the crossover trail)...

Descending SSE ridge of Jones...

Looking back up at a steep section (bypassed on the south side (left) of ridge)...

Beautiful downtown Pasadena (from top of crossover trail)...
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Post by JMunaretto »

Nice views eh?

I've been thinking about that SE ridge, I stumbled up on it once a year ago but haven't tried taking it up yet.
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Post by HikeUp »

Joe, I'd think this ridge is your kind of hike (about 1800' in about 1 mile). Going up might be kind of loose right now but maybe not. You'll definitely find out once you hit about 1800'. There is a real steep section from 1800' to 2000' that I'm guessing the pre-fire use trail probably bypassed (with a switchback or 2) on the south side of the ridge, but I descended straight down it using a controlled 3-point slide :D. Should have had my gaiters on - doh!
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Post by lik2hik »

It was nice seeing you today. Nice TR and great pix too! It was a beautiful day and the views up top were gorgeous.
I finished about 10:05. I went up to Orchard before I went back down. Figured you finished up before I did.
I'll have to try that route sometime.
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Post by HikeUp »

You made good time going up to Orchard and down - very nice. I took about 45 minutes to come down that ridge, although it seemed I was going faster. The ground was soft enough to sort of "plunge step" all the way down. My legs became jello (Elvis legs) though about 2/3 the way down and I really slowed down once I hit the really steep part. Someone used to steep downhills wouldn't have that problem since it is only about 1 mile. Great to see ya and hope to see ya again on the trails!
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