Modjeska from the parking area

Into the forest from the saddle

Reached the talus slope, looking down Coldwater Canyon
The talus was a mix of small red and gray rocks. Larger rocks would have been easier to navigate. I had mapped out a route that followed the talus sort of northeasterly, avoiding the forested sections on the east face. However, after I was on it, the talus was so loose, it became difficult to make upward progress. Instead, I decided to head for the forested sections where I could at least use trees and bushes to pull myself up. It was very steep and slow. I took some drone shots of me fumbling around on the talus, then tried to find the path of least resistance up. There were a few large rock outcrops, class 2/3, and those made travel easier and stable. About 100' below the summit, I stopped to rest below a boulder where a wall of trees seemed to block all progress. When I got my breath back, I took off my pack and hoisted it on the top the boulder. I broke off some of the branches of the trees on both sides and that allowed me to climb on top of the boulder. This was the crux and got me onto much easier terrain with a mostly clear shot to the summit. I had gained about 500' in a quarter mile. On the way down, I took the road and heard a rattlesnake to my left. I stopped and looked, but it wasn't until the 3rd rattle that I spotted a well hidden snake above me just off the road. I was never closer than 12' but I appreciated the warning.

Memorial plaque for Richard Cox (2009-12-27). I found it in the grass and set it up on a boulder

My guess is a speckled rattlesnake, so hidden I didn't see him until the 3rd rattle.

Weird dust devil by the truck