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Dollar Lake, San Gorgonio Wilderness

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 11:41 pm
by brian90620
Does anyone happen to know if Dollar Lake in the San Gorgonio Wilderness likely has water in it at this time or is it most likely dry? According to there was water in the lake as of August 12th, but this info is two months old and not much rain has fallen since then, so Im not sure how reliable it is :? The reason I ask is because I am planning a backpacking trip to the San Gorgonio Wilderness within the next few weeks and have not yet decided which route to take to Mount San Gorgonio, Vivian Creek or the South fork trail. Any info anyone might have would be extremely helpful. Also any recomendations or advice on which route is better would also be nice considering this will be my first trip up to the wilderness :D . Thanks

Re: Dollar Lake, San Gorgonio Wilderness

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 12:02 am
by Taco
Hey dude, I'm gonna move this to the conditions thread. THis subforum is more for questions regarding the forum itself, etc.

No worries dude!

Re: Dollar Lake, San Gorgonio Wilderness

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 4:58 am
by hvydrt
You could camp at dry lake and get water from Lodgepole Spring. SGWA reports: Good flow for about 50' before disappearing into the sand. Some pools deep enough to filter. 2008-10-10

Dollar Lake reports Dry but still good flow on the Spring. 2008-09-20.

I would take the South Fork side, but call the ranger station to double check on the water info.

More recent water info is here: ...

Re: Dollar Lake, San Gorgonio Wilderness

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 8:45 am
by Hikin_Jim
Dry Lake is definitely dry. See my TR here:, but Lodgepole Spring will definitely have water.

Not 100% sure if Dollar Lake will have water, but it should. The reason they don't update the "Trails" section much during the summer is because the conditions don't change often.


Re: Dollar Lake, San Gorgonio Wilderness

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 7:57 pm
by Dudley Heinsbergen
i say go up from south fork.

from vivian its hot and deserty