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Iron Mountain #2

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2021 6:17 pm
by Anthony
After recently discovering that the gate at Mt. Gleason Road is now open, I returned last weekend to attempt hiking Iron Mountain #2. I moved to LA in 2008, so I had never visited the Mt. Gleason area due to the closure of Mt. Gleason Road. Needless to say I was pretty excited.

Driving up Mt. Gleason Road was no problem. The road was in solid shape and was clear with minimal overgrowth. I only saw 2 vehicles on the way up.

Before getting to Iron Mountain #2, I stopped by the firefighter memorial and paid my respects to the fallen. RIP.


Eventually I turned onto Mendenhall Ridge Road and headed to the closed gate at the saddle, passing Lightening Point Group Campground along the way. Lightening Point looks like a nice campground and appeared to have been spared by the fire. The gate was locked though.


Mendenhall Ridge Road is unpaved after the campground, but well maintained given how long it's been closed to the public. I stayed in 2WD all the way to the gate, although dodging overgrown bushes from time to time. Unsurprisingly, nobody was at the gate when I arrived. I took a wiz and embarked on the mission. It was already pretty hot.


The road was well maintained after the gate with only two downed trees. I saw bike tracks and passed a lone biker within a mile of the gate.


Downed tree #1


Looking south towards Iron Mountain #2

At 2 miles in, I left the Mendenhall Ridge Road and started up the firebreak.


I was definitely starting to feel the heat. There was barely any shade up until this point and there was about 0 chance of shade on the firebreak.

The firebreak had three false summits. Before arriving at the last one, I turned around and was surprised to see someone behind me. He recognized me and said my post from last week inspired him to come up. He (Steve) is now an official member of the forum! (username = scielinski)

We made it to the summit soon after, soaked in the views, and signed the register.


Looking south west


What the hell is this? It kinda had the consistency of a hard foam sports ball, but it wasn't.


Zuc? As in, Zuckerberg?


Just two hiker bros

All in all it was an enjoyable trip despite the heat and lack of shade. There weren't many people out there and I was excited to finally see the Gleason area and bag another HPS peak. I think this will be my last hike in the front country until fall though. My shirt still reeks.

Distance: 6.29 mi
Gain: 1230 ft
Recording: ... a5435--127

Re: Iron Mountain #2

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2021 12:52 pm
by Tom Kenney
I think the fire crews put in extra effort at Messenger Flat and Lightning Point. They are both 'island' groves of ponderosa. Most of the nearby pondos on Gleason summit burned, but the crews managed to save a line of tall ones near the start of the summit spur. I also once (30 yrs ago) found a white fir on the summit, near the old cabin. I haven't seen it since.

Lightning Point is my preferred camp spot up there. Most of the tables are gone, but there are several at the high site near the corrals, where they've been placed in a 'view site' with expansive views out to the east.

The foam ball is a result of wasps 'farming' the oak - Oak Apple (aka Oak Gall).

Some of those bike tracks were likely mine, from the night/morning of 3rd/4th, since I didn't see many laid down before I go there. The rest of the road, all the way to Dillon Divide, is going feral...basically singletrack.

Re: Iron Mountain #2

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2021 7:59 pm
by JeffH
Looks like you can see just about forever up there, nice walk!
Wear wool, it doesn't stink.
Definitely about the end of the season for front range.

Re: Iron Mountain #2

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 9:34 am
by HikeUp
Nice TR.

I remember walking up that ridge to the peak and seeing huge fresh paw prints in the mud that I imagined were from a cougar. Needless to say my nap on the peak was fitful! I came up from the south through Trail Canyon (Dec. 2007).