20080914 Fir Draw Crag

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by Taco »

I dunno what to name the crag, which more correctly is a buttress or craggy ridge, but it's a nice little ridge. Anywho. First time I've been out climbing here in a bit.

Fir Draw goes south out of Icehouse Canyon, up towards the top of Ontario. This ridge forms the eastern side of Fir Draw.

Drove up Glendora Mountain Road from Glendora, over to Glendora Ridge Road. Excellent drive. Slow, as it's the weekend, and everyone is out enjoying the fact that they're not at work.

Went up, found low-5th class, fun climbing, with the possibility for more. Not a pure rock climb from most folk's standpoints due to the fact that it is a ridge that goes up and down, with good rock, bad rock, level spots, trees, etc. It's a mini-adventure, like the rest of the local climbs I've done here in Icehouse. Hardest move was around 5.8 or so. Some fun moves up there, but not for "puritanical" climbers. Mostly a fun scramble with a cool view, for sure.

Went up, saw two really small bears after I heard them making lotsa noise. Watched them go down Fir Draw. Saw their poop later, but no bears.

Went down, got onto the trail, and ran back to my car in 3 minutes, according to my watch.

Took the fun drive back instead of just Baldy Road, so Glendora Mountain Road got my second "lap" of the day. Photo'd a tarantula, then pushed him off the road. He later walked back on the road. Drove on. Took Glendora Mountain Road North Stage down into the SG Canyon, onto East Fork Road, and down R39 to home. One LASD unit was giving tickets or whatever to the wierdos who camp out on East Fork Road. Really, what the hell is the allure of camping there?


A shot of the south side of Twin Peaks... I'm looking to do a multi-day "expedition" of sorts to climb it this winter, if anyone wants to go with.

Crag I climbed today on the elft, with top secret winter project on right.

Starting up mossy rock. Moss makes easy moves a bit more loose.

Pics on the route

I don't know what kind of rock this is, but I've seen it on the East Face of Ontario before from Baldy Road. Red, so it's iron?

More shots...

(Really like that one)
Last one is looking towards the parking lot.

One of my primary goals was to photograph a sort of wall in the area...

Beautiful... for this winter...

This wasn't fun to descend...

Helmet and partially-decomposed deer leg

Tarantula and my car

Oh yeah, Fight On, I didn't bring a rope, so don't worry.
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Post by Tim »

Hey, I was just one canyon over this same day!

Is that red rock the same stuff on Sugarloaf's summit? Lotsa red rocks there.

Post by FIGHT ON »

TacoDelRio wrote:Oh yeah, Fight On, I didn't bring a rope, so don't worry.
No rope!? :shock: whadda mean no rope? you saying you climbed up that w/o a rope? have you lost your mind? seriously dude. :roll: count me out!
Did you catch that taranchular and put it on the road? or was it on the road?
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Post by Taco »

Tim, I've actually climbed Sugarloaf a half-dozen times, but never been to the top, so I don't know! The red rock goes in bands across from Sugarloaf to the southernmost part of Ontario, so most likely the same stuff.

FO, yup. T'was on the road.

Post by FIGHT ON »

TacoDelRio wrote:FO, yup. T'was on the road.
Then I think he was lookin to drag race you and your car!
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Post by AlanK »

It took guts to get those spider pictures -- it's as big as your car!
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Post by 406 »

TacoDelRio wrote:
I don't know what kind of rock this is, but I've seen it on the East Face of Ontario before from Baldy Road. Red, so it's iron?
Have you seen:
http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2006/1217/of200 ... ol_map.pdf

Not sure of your location, but map might cover.
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Post by Taco »

Thanks 406.

Thanks guys.
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Post by AW~ »

good job....while Im not a fan of Fir Draw but the view is nice...but then you had to mention Twin Peaks...will anyone ever do the east ridge? At this pace, no one will do the west ridge for another 25 years.....dont look at me though..I know I'll get closer to triplet jr, but who knows it might only be 100 yards closer....
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

Nice pics, Taco.

Dunno if you might like them, but I posted some pics in my recent TR of the ENE face of San Gorgonio. Some good lookin' couliors for ya...

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Post by Taco »

AW, I might give it a try this winter. All the brush had me turned off about it last time I gave it a shot, though. With a walk-in of that length, I want to do a day to get tehre with more stuff, set up a basecamp, climb the next day and descend to BC and take care of business, and then head home the third day. It should flow real smooth that way, and there's less stress on time.

Jim, Firtz and I hiked through those moraines for a while this year. Mineshaft Flats was a rather time consuming spot, as we were both a tad spent. I do plan on taking those couloirs this winter! A couple more rugged ones really caught our attention.
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