Interesting video

Rescues, fires, weather, roads, trails, water, etc.
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Post by HikeUp »

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Post by AW~ »

Goes to show what our local SARs deal with year round.
Other than that, its a denial of what actually happened.
It takes some people longer than others to come to grips with a rescue, so I just ignore the antics.
They peddle its as easy as hailing a cab with an app from the perspective of an outdoor tourist.

How about a big super heavy statue of Squatchy with a danger sign, down in those canyons people get lost into at Baldy?
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Post by Sean »

Don't get lost, or Bigfoot will eat you!

I saw this video on Facebook. Basically I commented that the ten essentials are great, but do you know what is even greater? Being able to follow a trail in broad daylight. This guy failed the most basic, introductory lesson, and yet he's going on about the crap in his backpack.
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Post by JeffH »

I'm a little late to the party on this post but how do people get so lost on Baldy? Where is the thought that asks "This doesn't look like a maintained trail any more, I wonder if I took a wrong turn...?".
And now you can eat Squatch instead.
Seen at my local 99 cent store
Seen at my local 99 cent store
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Post by Sean »

JeffH wrote:how do people get so lost on Baldy? Where is the thought that asks "This doesn't look like a maintained trail any more, I wonder if I took a wrong turn...?"
Have you been to a college campus lately? They aren't exactly churning out little Einsteins. Postmodern professors have absolutely destroyed the common sense appreciation for objective reality and rational thought. Anyway, that's my philosophical explanation for the truly remarkably dumb ones.

Sometimes people get dehydrated and lose mental focus. That's probably happened to me a couple times where I made some mildly stupid decisions. In those cases you have to train yourself to know when you're dehydrated and try to pay more attention than normal to compensate for poor brain function.
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Post by Uncle Rico »

Maybe if the guy had put down the selfie stick and paid attention to where he was going his music video would have ended up differently. It really takes effort to get lost on the Backbone Trail.
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