
TRs for ranges outside California.
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Post by JeffH »

Since I was there for the weekend to visit my younger sister we got out for a little hike. In Washington Park, a 400+ acre urban forest sits the Pittock Mansion which was built in the late 1800s. It's a couple of miles from the Zoo parking lot, which also makes it transit-friendly due to the MAX station. The previous few days had been full of rain which made the trail muddy in sections but overall it was a pretty good day. Rather cool at the start, the 600 feet of elevation gain made all of up feel plenty warm. Unfortunately the usual clouds obscured the views of nearby peaks, although the city below was a nice sight.
Leaving on Sunday we were gifted with a great view of Mt St Helens and Mt Hood while driving to the airport, and once in the air also got to see Mt Adams hiding behind Helen.

Near the trailhead, across from a small paid parking lot. Easier to take transit.

Viewpoint near the start. Could not see Adams, Jefferson, Rainier, St Helens or Hood on this day.

Bridge crossing in the Redwood section of the park. It's also an arboretum so plenty of different trees.

No volcanoes but even the view of the river below is unusual as are sunny days.

Pittock Mansion. It's now open for tours nearly every day of the year.

Trail down with one of the old carriage roads below. Just past that intersection the trail crosses a very busy street with lots of vehicle traffic.

Picnic area near the visitor center. I call it the Pot Pagoda since the first time I was here some folks were sitting out of the rain having a smoke.

We also walked over to the Vietnam Memorial which has a few of their own walls with names inscribed. In the summer this is a riot of color with all the flowers blooming.
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Post by Sean »

Thanks! Brought back memories of a business trip I took to Portland years ago. Didn't go hiking, but I saw this fountain.

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