who has the "right of way" on narrow trails ?

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Post by friendowl »

hikers going up or coming down ?
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Post by Funyan005 »

I usually let the hikers going down have the right away.
And, for the most part, have been allowed to pass people coming up as I'm heading down.
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Post by Taco »

Most of the time, it's folks going up who seem to have the right of way. Often times, I stop regardless of my position before they have a chance to be nice.
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Post by HikeUp »

I agree with this list of "rules"...
* Stay on the trail. Do not cut switchbacks or take shortcuts.
* Stay to the right on wider paths.
* Pass on the left.
* When overtaking someone, let them know you are approaching and will be passing on their left. You may hear a biker call out, "On your Left!" as he comes up from behind. That means you should stay to your right.
* Whenever you stop for a view, a rest, or to yield, move off the trail so it is free for others. If you are selecting the spot for a rest, get off on a used area or a durable surface such as a rock, dirt, or snow. Don't just trample off the trail into a nice soft field of grass and flowers.
* Hikers going uphill are working hard and should be given the right of way over hikers coming downhill. Sometimes uphill hikers will prefer to stop and let you pass coming down so they can get a short break. The uphill hiker should get to make the call.
* Greet people you meet. This makes sure they know you are there and is polite. A simple "Howdy" or "Nice Day" is fine.
* When hiking in a group, yield to single or pair hikers. It's harder for a group to get off the trail so often times singles will stop and let you all pass, but its their call.
* When hiking in a group, hike single file or take no more than half of a wide trail. Make sure everyone in your group understands what actions to take when encountering hikers, bikers, and horses.
* When meeting a horse:
o Get off the trail on the downhill side. Horses will tend to bolt uphill when spooked. Also, you waiting on the uphill side looks more like a predator waiting to pounce.
o Quietly greet the rider and ask if you are ok where you are.
o Stand quietly while the horses pass.
* Hike Quietly. Echos are fun, but keep conversations quiet and enjoy the lack of horns, engines, and city noises. There is such a thing as noise pollution.
* Don't leave any markers when hiking off-trail. Cairns, ducks, or little piles of rocks are not needed. If people are hiking cross-country, their compass and map are all they need. Markers tend to concentrate traffic which creates more unmanaged trail scars. Or, markers pop up all over and serve no navigational purpose.
* Read trailhead guidelines. There may be specific rules for the trail you are on.
* Pack It In - Pack It Out. I am always amazed to find litter. It just does not make sense that someone spending time to get out into nature would purposely destroy it. I just don't get it.
* Take a Picture. A pretty rock or a bunch of flowers deserve to remain where they are. We have a need for mementos of our adventures, but picture in your mind what the place would look like if the group before you had taken what you are about to put in your pocket.
* Report vandalism. If there is contact information at the trailhead, tell the managing agency of any destruction or management needs you notice.

On the Soapbox

You will run into some people that feel they have a right to do whatever they want outdoors. You'll see areas where horses were tied to trees, ruining the bark and killing the trees. You'll have to step over piles of horse droppings in the trail. You'll see washed out gullies created by mountain bikers having fun tearing down the mountain. You'll have a biker fly past you with no warning.
These are the people that make an impression. Keep your eyes open for them for your own safety, but also recognize the many others that are courteous and polite. And, make sure people put you into the courteous and polite category after they've met you on the trail.
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Post by 406 »

My rule:
Yield to person with heavier load. If all things look equal, up hill traffic has priority.

My reason:
I consider moving off the trail work and the person doing the least work should move off the trail. Of course there are obvious exceptions.

My pet peeve:
People that don't move out of the way when you are behind them trying to pass.
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Post by Taco »

Damn right.

Post by FIGHT ON »

I can read people really well. (everybody wants to beat me up) I can tell from a long distance what's up. As soon as I see somebody I say something just to get a sense of them, like if it's like Hiking Jim holding a baseball bat behind his back or just a happy hiker. Why not be courteous and when you get close just stand off to the side and say something polite? Up hill has the right away but I never insist on it. you are only going to see the person for like five seconds. be nice!
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Post by AW~ »

I give them a scowl and say to get out of my way! :D Ok, so actually whatever works best. I yield to trail runners, large groups, etc...whoever is moving slower loses.
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Post by AlanK »

I yield the right of way to hikers carrying guns.
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Post by Taco »

Looks like I've got the right of way. 8)
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Post by AlanK »

TacoDelRio wrote:Looks like I've got the right of way. 8)
That's our deal! :)
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Richard N.
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Post by Richard N. »

406 is entirely correct. It just like if you are driving on a back road. The uphill traffic ALWAYS has the right of way.
If you wish to let down hill traffic go then thats your right. Whether or not their pack is bigger should not be the issue. its who has the right of way.
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