Mt. Baldy & Mt. Harwood: 08-10-2008

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by HikeUp »

My 100th hike (since I started hiking again in December of 2004) - all in the San Gabriels - so I decided to hike up to the top of the world. Took the ski hut trail up and made it to the top just before 8:00am. 4 others already there - 3 of whom were training for Whitney.

Windy as heck, but very clear. My feet were inexplicable hurting so I headed down the backbone towards the Notch to catch the chair lift down. Made the side trip up to Harwood - my first time - but nearly got blown off the top so didn't stay very long. As soon as I got off the summit the wind stopped almost completely.

Met two solo hikers who both were operating under the impression it was 2 miles from the Notch to Baldy. They were disappointed to find out they were only half way there instead of almost there. Wonder who is giving out the bad information. One turned around and the other decided to go a bit further to see how it went.

Ski hut roof almost complete...

Those other mountains...

Take me to your leader :twisted: ...
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Post by Taco »

Nice views! I like those other mountains, too. 8)
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