We drove up to Fossil Falls along US-395 and arrived at about 3:30 AM. We watched the disappointing 'shower' for about half an hour...kinda neat, but underwhelming. I had plans to do some time-lapse and/or video, but it wasn't worth the effort...sorry, no pics.
Continued on to Onion Valley, arriving just before sunrise. This is one of a few trailheads on the east side I have never visited (now only Sawmill and Baxter remain). We started up the Kearsarge Pass Trail at 7:15 expecting cool weather, but had to de-layer within 20 minutes.
Neither of us had much sleep (Shinta had a couple hours' dozing on the drive, while I had zilch!). We were passed by many day hikers on the way up. We took a short break at Little Pothole Lake, another at Gilbert Lake, and called it quits a few switchbacks above Flower Lake.
While walking back towards the trail for our return, Shinta warned me I was about to step on a bird...4 feet in front of me! It was a grouse. These birds have supreme camouflage, and this was my second encounter where I nearly stepped on one before realizing it wasn't a rock. Turns out there was a whole family, and we observed as the 4 of them wandered about (2 adults, 2 young'uns).
Sadly, no marmots were observed during the expedition, though I heard them twice.
Here are some pics:
Lounging on the deck above Gilbert Lake. University Peak in background.

Flower Lake


Log Bridge Below Flower Lake

University Peak (Full size: 6000x4000)

Boulder Field Below Gilbert Lake

Trailside Cascade