Seeding the mountain air finalized

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Post by AW~ »

An old project from 2009 gets approved..... ... d-seeding/

"...The program proposes to increase rain fall in Los Angeles County by seeding clouds with a condensation agent from land based generators. Additional rain fall will be captured in dams and spreading grounds throughout the Pacoima, Big Tujunga, and San Gabriel watersheds. ....The annual contract amount is $550,000 plus 10 percent for additional work within the scope of the contract and cost-of-living adjustments in accordance with this contract with a maximum potential contract sum of $3,025,000....Biological Resources, Geology and Soils, Hydrology and Water Quality, and Mandatory Findings of Significance will all be mitigated through a set of project suspension criteria that will halt all cloud seeding operations within the targeted watersheds when precipitation rates, dam capacity, rainfall forecast, burn area, and/or earthquake thresholds are met.

From NA Weather Consultants
"North American Weather Consultants has conducted more than 200 weather modification projects involving snowfall or rainfall augmentation world-wide since 1950. These programs have been designed to increase the naturally occurring rainfall or snowfall in a selected target area by utilizing cloud seeding agents to increase the efficiency of the natural precipitation process. The most common seeding agent is microscopic sized particles of silver iodide. These silver iodide particles are dispersed either from the ground or aircraft. We also have experience using less common seeding materials for specialized applications. Typical precipitation increases from the programs range from 10 to 15 percent (in wintertime cold climate areas) to 20 to 25 percent (in more maritime tropical regions) over what would have occurred naturally. Users of this technology range from irrigation districts, municipalities, hydroelectric facilities and recreational areas (ski areas). A brief summary of the scientific basis for cloud seeding is available here."
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Old Dam Man
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Post by Gene »

The old LA Flood Control District used to have cloud seeding iodine burners at various locations. I know there was one at San Gabriel Dam, I recall they were not very effective.

Taking a wild guess, I wonder if ground based cloud seeding could be very effective effective with the inversion layer that typically covers most of the area.
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