Ridge Trailblaze from Bear Canyon to Mt. Disappointment Ridge

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by hbandrew »

Yesterday I trail blazed up and down two ridges that I spotted on a previous hike to Mt. Lowe. Both looked like nice climbing and worth a return visit.

One of the highlights of the day was a video I captured of a hawk, which I included in the slide show.

Trailhead was Eaton Saddle, and I began the day with a quick ascent of Mt. Lowe. Visibility was fairly good, with a clear view of downtown Los Angeles.

I then descended to Tom Sloan Saddle, and continued to Bear Canyon Creek. The starting point for my Ascent Ridge was easy to find. It is the cabin ruins where the Bear Canyon trail leaves the creek and climbs to Tom Sloan Saddle. I crossed the creek, scrambled up a 15 foot dirt and rock slope, and popped up on the Ascent Ridge.

At the base of the Ascent Ridge I was greeted by head high brush that was slow going, but shortly pushed through it into more manageable brush. The remainder of the ascent was pretty straightforward to navigate around, or through, the brush. Though I did get poked and prodded continuously. And I had charcoal all over me and my gear from burnt limbs.

It took 2 hours to make it to the top, gaining 2000 feet of elevation.

I ate lunch at Mt. Deception, and then traversed west on the ridge all the way to one peak past the USFS 1941 summit marker.

I descended a sister ridge, which is located one ridge west of the Ascent Ridge. The Descent Ridge starts due east of Bear Canyon campsite. There was a trace trail that faded in and out (more “out” than “in”) on the Descent Ridge. It showed signs of minor use. There is also a large cairn at the 3828 marker on the USGS map. The Ascent Ridge had no trace trail and I saw no foot prints.

The Descent Ridge had some very loose and fine gravel near the bottom. To avoid it I picked up a dry stream bed on the right (west) and followed it to Bear Canyon Creek. There is water still flowing in Bear Canyon Creek. About 3-4 feet wide. Not sure how long it will last.

Enjoy the photos and videos.

http://hbandrew.smugmug.com/Mt-Disappoi ... ge-Public/
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Post by Sean »

Neat trip. That's a cool view of the saddle with LA in the background. Thanks for the report.
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Post by tekewin »

An offbeat choice of routes. I don't think I would have considered those ridges as a possible loop. Thanks for the report and pictures.

Maybe you can hit that tempting pinnacle directly below Disappointment next time. I can't find any beta on it, but somebody must have been up there.
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