san gorgonio wilderness - water

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Post by walker »

Took a trip to the area and I was impressed by the almost complete absence of water in the San Gorgonio high country. Many of the "springs" along the side of the Forsee creek trail were completely dry. Camped at Trail Fork Springs which was just a trickle of water seeping out of the ground into a puddle, no drops coming out of the pipe.

Didn't see any water between there and Jepson. From above, Dollar Lake appeared to be completely drained.

Not sure if that's normal conditions for this time of year.
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Post by Sewellymon »

Of course it's not normal. We are in what- year 2 of a drought?

2 years ago early July the pipe at Trail Fork was putting out a slow but functional flow (2 min a liter?). I could also pump out of small puddles from the 1/2 way springs at the lower camp..

Sunday's flow at the spring above Fish Fork Camp is sufficient still to fill canteens. But it's not really a good location. .5 mil above the camp and far from anything else but good to know if you bagging the peak and need water on your return.
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

It's definitely drier than normal. It's unusual to see Dollar Lake dry this early, and usually there's at least drips coming out at Trail Fork Springs.

The springs along the Forsee Creek Trail, including Jackstraw, aren't all that reliable even in normal years. Some years, there's flow across the trail on some of them, but difficult to collect.

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