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Some History on Chilao featuring Mr. Newcomb

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 6:39 pm
by Augie
Daniel's latest article. Not everyone was happy with the building of the Angeles Crest Highway. ... riels.html

Re: Some History on Chilao featuring Mr. Newcomb

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 10:00 am
by AW~
Cool....I think he wouldnt be too disappointed with how it is today. From my take of things, it appears that many people have stepped up to take care of it. I can hope in that spirit that it wont be social mediacized to death.

Oh...but he would be so pissed about that Caltrans acreage :lol:

Re: Some History on Chilao featuring Mr. Newcomb

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 5:37 pm
by outwhere
Augie, I think your son not only has talent at saying a lot in a realtively small amount of written space but he also is very good at conveying 'time and place' in his San Gabriel mountain's articles.

I totally got caught up conjuring what Chilao pre Angeles Crest Highway mighta been like and how sad Newcomb must have felt seeing such drastic changes.

Chilao is such a beautiful area... Not sure how many cabins/residents were up there when the ACH opened but that must have been a shocker... talk about an overnight alteration for all up there and that includes all the critters...

So thanks once again Daniel!! This article had lots of Newcomb info I'd never seen before and it really told a solid story...

Re: Some History on Chilao featuring Mr. Newcomb

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 9:09 am
by Hayduke
Chilao is still a pretty quiet area, all things considered.

Not hard to find a quiet spot up there.

Re: Some History on Chilao featuring Mr. Newcomb

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 6:18 pm
by Augie
outwhere wrote: Augie, I think your son not only has talent at saying a lot in a realtively small amount of written space but he also is very good at conveying 'time and place' in his San Gabriel mountain's articles.

I totally got caught up conjuring what Chilao pre Angeles Crest Highway mighta been like and how sad Newcomb must have felt seeing such drastic changes.

Chilao is such a beautiful area... Not sure how many cabins/residents were up there when the ACH opened but that must have been a shocker... talk about an overnight alteration for all up there and that includes all the critters...

So thanks once again Daniel!! This article had lots of Newcomb info I'd never seen before and it really told a solid story...
Thanks Outwhere. I'll pass along to Daniel.

As a follow up to the Newcomb article, we managed to find the remains of Newcomb's cabin near Chilao Creek (only about a half mile or so from the the restaurant). A photo we saw from 2006, showed most of an intact structure; what remains now is only a chimney.

Re: Some History on Chilao featuring Mr. Newcomb

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 9:27 pm
by tekewin
Interesting article. Thank you for sharing it. I've passed it along to some friends.