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20140220 Twin Peaks Rock Crimbing

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 10:17 pm
by Taco
Today, Tristan and I checked out the climbing opportunities around Twin Peaks. We hiked up, had a look around, and then checked out an objective we decided on on-site.

We hit the biggest crag closest to the summit of East Twin. We did a 2 pitch 5.7 or so, with both pitches being pretty dang fun. We then descended the north side and went up the face visible from the saddle, which was very easy.

The crag, which I have labelled 'Swagrocrag'.

Ledge campsite. Just stashed our extra stuff here for the time.


This traversing crack is pitch 1 of our 2 pitch 5.7.

Tristan climbing. It's easy but very exposed, very cool. Lots of knobs and stuff, all solid.

Looking down P2

Pitch 2

The rest of the photos be here: ... 291679625/


Re: 20140220 Twin Peaks Rock Crimbing

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 10:43 pm
by HikeUp
Really cool beans, etc. Gots to be tons of this kind of random climbing stuff all over the place. Very isolated but still fun to explore I imagine.

Checking out that last picture - looks like lots of stuff over on west twin and the ridge heading west from it (AW's favorite obsession!).

Re: 20140220 Twin Peaks Rock Crimbing

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 10:50 am
by Taco
Indeed. There's probably some cool stuff on the west side of West Twin, just hard to get a picture of that area to decide if I want to hike that far.

The rock was super good quality. Only bummer is it's all just ridges faces and tower things spread all around so you never get one real solid route in, just a bunch of single pitch routes. It's like walking 10 miles to climb at a roadside crag, but nobody is there and you can give it a silly name.

Re: 20140220 Twin Peaks Rock Crimbing

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 9:56 am
by tekewin
Really bitchin' stuff!

It is great to see some angles around the Twins that I would never see myself.

Re: 20140220 Twin Peaks Rock Crimbing

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 7:26 pm
by AW~
What I need for the area is a drone :D

or even

Nice tr!

Re: 20140220 Twin Peaks Rock Crimbing

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 8:02 pm
by tekewin
Excellent! There's no place like drone. 8)