Mt. Wilson

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by hvydrt »

Went up the mt wilson trail today. We started at 6 and made the top by 9:30. This was my first time on this trail an I think it would be a lot better in the winter or fall. Temps were perfect on the way up, but the gnats and mesquites were out of control. We sat around until 10 when the gate opened so we could fill up water bottles. It was a long 30minutes due to the bugs eating our flesh!!! The last mile and a half back down was brutal. Temps were around 98+ and this is through the area that just burned a few weeks ago so no shade and hot temps made this miserable. drank almost 5 liters of water!!!!!!!!
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Post by Tim »

Hey hvydrt, I also went up Mt. Wilson today, but from Chantry Flats. The shade made it much more tolerable. I can't believe you went up from the other side!! The flies and mosquitoes were also out in full force on my side. I brought 3L of water and only had about a cup left.
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Post by HikeUp »

You picked a great day to hike to Mt. Wilson :shock: !!! Not your typical 100 degree day hike. Anyway - nicely done.

The skeeters were thick on my hike up the trail today and I could only imagine how much worse they would get if I had kept going higher.

One note for future reference, you should not have had to wait for the gate to open in order to get to the water spigot. There is a single track trail that leads from the Harvard-Wilson saddle directly to the huge parking lot near the pavilion where the spigot is.

Post by FIGHT ON »

:lol: MOSQUITOES? They don't bother me. It's like those guys that eat poison oak. I just start gobbling them up as they pass by my mouth. The others must see this and tell their friends. After about 20 or so they just leave me alone. :lol:
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Post by hvydrt »

Hike Up - We took the other trail on the way down and realized we could have gone up that way instead of taking the fire road.

FIGHT ON - I have about 20 bites on my legs and head!!!!!!!!! For some reason they didn't like my arms.

Post by FIGHT ON »

hvydrt. Last week at Newcomb Saddle I took a break and they were all over me. I decided to run up wind but they followed me. So I ran perpendicular to the wind and they got confused. Then I circled back to the picnic table and was downwind from them and they never found me. :lol:
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Post by AW~ »

After my hike, I would prefer to torch the suckers. These guys deserve nothing but a cruel death. For the kamikazee flies, I want something that tortures them, something like dry ice them and then wake em up to another round of payback.
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