Santa Susana Ramblings

Archived TRs for ranges in California.
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David R
OG of the SG
Posts: 534
Joined: Sun Jun 12, 2011 10:28 pm

Post by David R »

I didn't have much time this weekend for hiking so did a quick jaunt up on Friday from O'Melveny Park to Mission Point via the Grotto Trail (most deceiving named trail in existence) which is a straight shot up a steep ridge. From the Point I followed the fire road down the ridge about a half mile before it started dipping into the Santa Clarita Pass. I came back along Bee Canyon which has a really cool rugged feel. First time hiking this area in a loong time. Lots of locals in Bee Canyon, not as many people up on the ridge.

Sunday I hiked with the family up to Rocky Peak dodging the mountain bikers. The two girls elected to go for the true summit while the wife waited on the ridge. A short scramble over some rock and we hit the summit. The occult sign is still spray painted on the rock but it is fading. On the other side of the summit, there is a mailbox masquerading as a register. It is the most ridiculous thing you'll ever see. Someone over the past year has taken the time to put a pole into the rock and attach a metal box that wait for attached to a chain with a key on it. Use the key open up the box and there is your register, now this is a chore that could keep Mars Bonfire busy with as he climbs each peak 20 times. Next week I am going to try and hit a peak in the Santa Susanas that I can't find any write up about which is Sand Rock Peak and maybe leave a register up there.

Anyway it got me to thinking of cool registers that I have known such as Timber which is in the tree. Cobblestone is out in the middle of nowhere and has a cool metal cannister attached on it. Any others?
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