5/10/08 Mini-Loop: Mt. Islip/Throop Peak/Dawson Saddle

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Doug Forbes
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Post by Doug Forbes »

I had originally planned to hike from Islip Saddle to Dawson Saddle via the PCT and Dawson Saddle trails (picking up Mt. Islip & Throop Peak along the way), then over Mt. Lewis, down the northwest ridge to South Fork Campground and return to Islip Saddle via the South Fork trail. I ended up stopping at Dawson Saddle and returning to Islip Saddle via Angeles Crest Highway. I was moving too slowly to make the full loop in time (had to be back home in Palmdale at 7:30pm for pre-Mother's Day festivities - my family needs little provocation to party...) due to general sloth and messing with a new camera (I still can't figure out where to insert the film into these fancy new digital things). The last time I did the full loop was during a snowy Spring many years ago when I possessed a full head of hair (now only a rim of bristly gray remains :wink: ). I wanted to cover the full loop this last winter, but work travel won out.

Overall, it was a very pleasant day with occasional breezes on the ridge tops and just enough snow to freshen the soul. This coming weekend it's 3 days of climbing in the Sierra (Whitney area). Life is tough......

A few captioned photos are here:

http://dougforbes.smugmug.com/gallery/4 ... 8146_FgEFE

Climb Hard, Climb Safe

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Post by Hikin_Jim »

Nice one!
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Post by HikeUp »

Great pictures. Thanks for sharing.

Now I know where the use trail up to Mt. Lewis is...not that it would have been hard to find in any case! :)

Post by FIGHT ON »

Hey Doug. Nice pictures. Did you have any problem hiking along the trail where the snow was? One of your pics looks kinda spooky. Do you think the trail going to Mt Baden Powell has more snow? I want to hike from Islip to Baden Powell along that trail. What kind of poles do you use? Look like mine. :D I am thinking of using smugmug. Was it hard to post these pics? Thanks.
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Doug Forbes
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Post by Doug Forbes »

Hi FIGHT ON: Yup, I love the new hiking poles (actually purchased them last year). They are the Black Diamond Eliptical - the first ones that have withstood my abuse without bending during rough scrambles in the SG's and Sierra. I use an older set of REI poles with large baskets for snowshoe/cross country ski trips, and a single REI walking staff for trail walking.....

The PCT from Islip to Baden Powell should be no problem - there looks to be fewer and smaller snow patches from the Dawson Trail junction to Baden Powell than I encountered on the first 6 mile section. Lug soled boots should be OK (especially after the sun softens the snow during the day), and you can bypass the snow by staying on the ridge crest.

Smugmug is great, easy to store photos and allow them to be assessable to interested parties. I just got into "digital" the last couple of years, so I'm still learning.......I do kinda miss caressing photo prints as I think of past climbs/hikes - I'll have to print a few just to stave-off the withdrawal pains.... :D

Doug F.

Post by FIGHT ON »

Doug Forbes wrote:Hi FIGHT ON: Yup, I love the new hiking poles (actually purchased them last year). They are the Black Diamond Eliptical - the first ones that have withstood my abuse without bending during rough scrambles in the SG's and Sierra. I use an older set of REI poles with large baskets for snowshoe/cross country ski trips, and a single REI walking staff for trail walking.....

The PCT from Islip to Baden Powell should be no problem - there looks to be fewer and smaller snow patches from the Dawson Trail junction to Baden Powell than I encountered on the first 6 mile section. Lug soled boots should be OK (especially after the sun softens the snow during the day), and you can bypass the snow by staying on the ridge crest.

Smugmug is great, easy to store photos and allow them to be assessable to interested parties. I just got into "digital" the last couple of years, so I'm still learning.......I do kinda miss caressing photo prints as I think of past climbs/hikes - I'll have to print a few just to stave-off the withdrawal pains.... :D

Doug F.
What are lug soled shoes? I have Montrail Torre GTX http://www.travelcountry.com/shop/montr ... =Affiliate
THEM OK? thanks
YA smugmug looks like the best site for photos. Costs the most too.
Thanks again.
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Post by 406 »

Nice photos. Looks like the snow melted fast.

Why do they (State?) spend so much money on highway 2 between Islip Saddle and Vincent? New pavement just so they can plow the snow on a closed section of road!? I would like to see that section of road be closed permanently and stop wasting money on upkeep and attempts to fix land slides.
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Post by Taco »

406, there are a few big washouts. I believe once those are clean, they can open it up and plow it while it's open in the winter, allowing full east-west access.

So I hope. Gas saving right there.

I really wish they'd rebuild R39 all the way, and friggin' open Williamson rock back up. Sweet Jesus.
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

TacoDelRio wrote:406, there are a few big washouts. I believe once those are clean, they can open it up and plow it while it's open in the winter, allowing full east-west access.

So I hope. Gas saving right there.

I really wish they'd rebuild R39 all the way, and friggin' open Williamson rock back up. Sweet Jesus.
I think they abandoned the upper section of 39 'cause there were so many landslides on the W face of Islip. I understand though that it is passible by vehicles if you have the key. Maybe it's too expensive to turn it back into a full two lane highway?

I've seen more than one disappointed driver when they encounter not one but two closed roads at Islip Saddle. I've been asked several times, "where is Hwy 39?" For sure they should take it off maps if they're going to close it like they have.
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Post by AW~ »

Awesome photos...that marine layer lifting with Twin Peaks...so thats what it looks like above...cool.
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Post by Taco »

Hikin_Jim wrote:I think they abandoned the upper section of 39 'cause there were so many landslides on the W face of Islip. I understand though that it is passible by vehicles if you have the key. Maybe it's too expensive to turn it back into a full two lane highway?

I've seen more than one disappointed driver when they encounter not one but two closed roads at Islip Saddle. I've been asked several times, "where is Hwy 39?" For sure they should take it off maps if they're going to close it like they have.
It's pretty beat up. I think a bike might be more suitable. That's the only section of R39 I've not walked/run on before.
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