Hoegee's Campground on Friday

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Post by baragua »

Hey everyone, new guy here. Great forum!

I was hoping someone here could provide some input as to how busy Hoegee's Campground on Friday afternoons this time of year. My plan is to backpack in from Chantry Flat around 3-4pm this Friday, spend the night at Hoegees, and do some day hikes on Saturday before heading back up.

I've spent some time in Big Santa Anita Canyon doing day hikes, but never any backpacking. How full does Hoegee's usually get on weekends? Is there a good chance we'd be out of luck if we showed up there around 5-6pm on a Friday?

Appreciate any input!

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Post by mangus7175 »

I don't think it'll be that busy on a Friday afternoon. I'll be up there this Friday as well with the kids but we plan on getting there earlier in the afternoon.
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Post by baragua »

Great, thanks for the input. I'm looking forward to this.

Been reading some threads here, and it looks like folks have had bear encounters at Hoegee's in the past. Do you folks usually bring bear canisters when you camp?

Also, do you typically feel OK about leaving gear at the site during the day while out day hiking?

Thanks again!
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Post by mangus7175 »

I've heard the same stories as well but during the times that I've camped there, I have yet to encounter one...hopefully I still won't this weekend :lol:

I do have a bear canister that I bring all the time but you can always hang your food...there is no requirement for a canister.

EDIT: About leaving gear, I've done this one time and came back to my site untouched, though I have heard from others who have experienced this differently...leave your stuff at your own risk I guess.
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Post by baragua »

Got it. Bummer, but not surprising, I guess. It seems like a pretty popular spot. Thanks again for all your advice--truly appreciated!
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

I camped at Hoegees on a Friday a couple of months ago. There were people, but it was no problem getting a site. Not so on Saturday P.M. when we left. It was like walking to your car at a busy mall: "are you guys leaving?"

We had no problems with bears, but I have seen bears near by. I'd keep a clean camp and practice good food storage.

Never had anything stolen while camping. I think Hoegee's is far enough from the trail head that you'd be OK, but I guess there's no guarantee. What I've done on occaision is to bring a black 55 gallon garbage bag. I stick all my overnight stuff in it and cache it in the bushes somewhere while I'm on a day hike. If you need to hold your site, just leave your tent in place, but take all your gear out and cache it. Of course, make sure to take out any food or odorous items (sunscreen, bug juice, toothpaste, etc.) and either store them separately in a canister/Ursack or carry them on your day hike.

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