High Altitude

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Post by eljefe628 »

My dad is leaving for the Inca Trail in a few weeks and has asked me to help him get ready. We live near the 2 and I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for some high altitude hikes in the area with some killer views. Thanks!
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

One of my favorites is the Mt. Williamson - Pleasant View Ridge loop. It's long and strenuous (for most folks), but the views out into the desert are outstanding. Referring to the map link above, the section of trail labelled "L", "M", and "N" may be closed in which case you'd have to detour to Buckhorn Campground via points "O", "P", and "Q" which adds a lot of extra distance to the hike. If that closure is still in effect, it might be better to take two cars, dropping one off at the Buckhorn Trailhead and driving another to the Mt. Williamson Trailhead.

One note: Much of this route is not on official trails. There are "use trails" where the passage of feet over time has in effect created a trail, but some navigational skills are going to be required for this loop.

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