Idlehour 6/3/12

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by robnokshus »

Hiked up from Pinecrest today with my favorite hiking buddy, Maggie. We got a bit of a late start at 9:30 but there was cloud cover until about halfway up to Henninger Flats. Seems like a lot of folks spent the night up there last night, as we passed all kinds of people with packs. Looked like a Brownie Troop was up there last night as well, as we were passed by all manner of little girls hiking down holding their stuffed animals. Cute.

After a brief rest at the flats, I topped of the Camelback and we set off for Idlehour. It was getting warm so it was a relief when we finally hit the tree shaded section of the toll road. Having never been to Idlehour before I was pleased at what a delightful trail it is! Lush and green and pretty easy going (especially after the non-stop uphill from Eaton Canyon). We arrived at Idlehour a little after noon. One of the campsites was occupied, though I never saw by whom, but there was a tent. One of the other sites was occupied by two young guys who had packed up a bunch of carne asada to cook on the campstove, but they had neglected to bring matches or a lighter! I loaned them my lighter and then Maggie and I went down to chill by the creek.

After cooling of we walked back up to the campsite where our two new friends offered us some tasty carne asada! Oh yeah!

Carne Asada de Idlehour by Robnokshus, on Flickr

Muy Bueno! Gracias! by Robnokshus, on Flickr

After devouring several delicious pieces of carne asada, we said our goodbyes and started back. We took it pretty slow on the way out, as Maggie is 77 in dog years (that's old school dog years, not the "new math" dog years). We got back to the Jeep around 4p.

Another beautiful day in the San Gabriels.

Maggie chilling at Henninger Flats by Robnokshus, on Flickr
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Post by PackerGreg »

I am thoroughly annoyed with myself that I have never been to Idlehour. Living six years at Chantry Flat and many more in Altadena, I have circumnavigated the place innumerable times, but I have never dedicated the time for a visit.
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