Looks like summer season has started...

Rescues, fires, weather, roads, trails, water, etc.
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Post by AW~ »

Graffiti Miscellaneous San Gabriel Canyon
SNACK Structure Fire Mt. Baldy.Snack Shack, hogan lodge
Vandalized vehicle Miscellaneous west fork parking lot
Vehicle break-in Miscellaneous West Fork parking lot

Hopefully it wont get too grim this year.
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Post by friendowl »

i'm willing to take one for the team.
if any of you hikers have a really nice car
maybe we can leave it somewhere and hide out
when the vandals come by we will make examples out of them

i really hope i never catch anyone acting shady up in the mountains
i have zero tolerance and im sure my punishment wouldnt fit the crime

its a shame that people can go to the mountains and act like that
its a nice place to keep clean so we have somehere to escape

this is one subject that really makes me angry
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Post by HikeUp »

friendowl wrote:im sure my punishment wouldnt fit the crime
Sweet. I don't have a nice car though. :?
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Post by AW~ »

These are the first 2 breakins at least in quite a while that have been reported. There have been people caught for graffiti throughout last month.

What strikes me for those 2 reports is really how brazen was during daylight in a busy parking lot, where there is almost a guarantee someone is coming by to check parking permits ..in my guess every hour or something like that.

I am curious to see how many are reported. I would agree that one breakin is one too many, but I am curious if it is widespread or quite limited.

It would be difficult for me to catch someone much less do something about it. I think I would be bored to tears waiting around for hours, plus you would really have to be smooth to stay undetected. And if a volunteer stands guard, they just move on to the next spot. It takes but a little time for some guy on a motorcycle to just pick his target along a winding road like the Big Tujunga. Its just been a problem for decades now.

I personally feel that the only thing I have seen work is to simply let the place get ruined. Fall Creek is historical evidence of that. A popular place that was thrashed to the point of it was so ugly and dangerous no one wanted to go there. The outhouse was filled with trash, the picnic tables were savaged and the number of permits requested was likely countable on one hand during a given year. If we let the west fork fall, no one will go there, I guarantee it. I have seen it on Labor day weekend when people are wading in a river with takeout containers,etc everywhere on the river. Next day, clean of visible trash. Leave it like that and see how many people visit. I would say give it a month and the lot should be close to vacant.

The place gets forgotten and decades later has a chance of restoral.
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

AW wrote:Graffiti Miscellaneous San Gabriel Canyon
SNACK Structure Fire Mt. Baldy.Snack Shack, hogan lodge
Vandalized vehicle Miscellaneous west fork parking lot
Vehicle break-in Miscellaneous West Fork parking lot

Hopefully it wont get too grim this year.
Hate to say it, but I pretty much won't park at E or W fork parking lots anymore. For some reason, the wrong element seems to congregate there. Downer. I like Bridge to Nowhere, Allison Mine, etc. Would like to get back up into Bear Can; haven't been up that ways for a while. Maybe I need to "rent a wreck" just so I can park over there. Not that my used 2002 Honda is all that spiffy, but she's all I've got.

TDR, you live at the bottom of the hill. Can't you do a little interdictive fire on hostiles as the come up 39? :wink:

Post by FIGHT ON »

When I am on hikes I pick up stuff like trash and such. But on my hike this Saturday near the start of the Gabrielino Trail before Gould Mesa I came across this beauty.


Sorry. I did not have a friendowl zip lock baggy. Even I have limits.
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Post by Taco »

Hikin_Jim wrote:TDR, you live at the bottom of the hill. Can't you do a little interdictive fire on hostiles as the come up 39? :wink:

Sold my last .308 a while ago. Gonna hafta get creative.

R39 Patrol Nissan Silvia is GTG!

And yes, anyone who does not wish to have their cars damaged or stolen, DON'T PARK NORTH OF AZUSA. Simple as that. Too many cases. Get dropped off, or walk up, or something. It's very sad that such scum come up here (and we can't legally do anything about it, or defend ourselves), so keep your eyes open, and don't put yourself into a situation where anyone can victimize ya.
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Post by bertfivesix »

This is why I haven't been to Malibu Creek in a while. Last time I went, we had a nice chat with some sheriffs doing SAR training farther up the creek, and they strongly suggested we rotate people watching our daypacks while the rest swim. As soon as the temps come up, out come the stereos, floating cans of Steel Reserve, torn/discarded inflatables, and arguments between cholo wannabes.

Sorry to see it hit the SG's. Hey, firearms possession is legal in the ANF, right?
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Post by friendowl »

i grew up around people who do things like
break in cars and spray paint everything in sight.
i am not afraid to confront and stop people who disrespect nature
most people are either tweakers looking to come up on anything
or angry kids who just want to destroy shit...

i was camping at chilao one night when about 20 guys and girls pulled
up and started drinking and making a big ass fire...one of the guys took a burning log and strated going in circles real fast throwing embers everywhere and then he threw the burning stick in teh bushes while everyone laughed and laughed.
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

TacoDelRio wrote:Sold my last .308 a while ago. Gonna hafta get creative.
.308? Wimpy. I'm hearing .50 works pretty well on soft targets. :shock: Sorry, I'm losing it. Just kinda sux to have to write off sections of the forest. Gotta buy a beater for my E Fork transport needs.
Hikin' Jim's "what me worry?" mobile.
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Post by Taco »

Bert, I don't know the legal stuff. I've carried openly before, but don't do that much anymore.

Jim, a .50 is a taaaaaaaad heavy. 8)

I just hope I have a bad (or really good) day when I see this sorta stuff happen. I always get there too late.
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Post by brian90620 »

Only in LA :evil: ..........you have to worry about being jacked in the mountians or getting your car broken into while hiking. Last summer I took a hike along the West Fork road and saw so many gangsters that I thought I was in Southcentral!!!!!!!!Im actually suprised no gang is claming Azusa Canyon yet, since they've taken over the rest of LA :x
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Post by Taco »

Azusa Canyon is my canyon. If you're a nice perosn who respects other people's property, you are free to come and go as you please. 8)

Azusa 13 is a common graffiti thing here. LA Kosk, Susret, other incredibly stupid things are written everywhere.

Someday, it'll all be different. We'll have our nice clean mountains back, where you can take your kids without fear.
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Post by HikeUp »

TacoDelRio wrote:Someday, it'll all be different. We'll have our nice clean mountains back, where you can take your kids without fear.
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Post by AW~ »

Yup, when I have travelled to other states&areas, I havent had to worry about finding a smashed window. Traveling on Hwy 39 during the dark is a test for sure. But it sort of brings a strange character to the terrain, something I feel is unique to it. Driving early morning in the dark during rain, the area is eerie, almost mystical like, with low cloud cover menancing above and the wonder/danger of the ever present cliffs and the 3-4000 ft mountains that seem to have no top. Cars whizzing by..where are they going? where did they come from?....cars parked at odd places, people inside gun under the covers at the ready? Its somewhat a guessing game as to whats around the next corner and the drive seems to take forever. Of course the best time is the winter, when the tall mountains soar into view during sunrise.

The west fork parking lot...why are there cars parked here at 4 in the morning? The shattered glass suggesting something was amiss in the last 24 hrs and this will happen to you too as soon as you leave out of sight. The parking is somewhat out of the twilight zone, a cold place with several unanswered questions, the least of which is the status of the bathroom. Dont be surprised and feel trapped if a car comes by though, as the youth continue into the night. The formidable terrain is absent, out of sight,and out of mind. During the day, it seems no one is doing anything amiss amid all the evidence of human deplorability, almost everybody does seem upset. Its quite busy, the fisherman seem to hate that. There are too many people wading in the summertime nonflowing river. Trash is everywhere, most people have no idea this is a wild&scenic river. Main thing: everyone is in a hurry to get out of here.

The east fork parking lot...jeez...this is one can be really dark in the morning. A regularly short time intervaled light serves to spook first timers...but again, there could easily be people. It could be some miners, swirling with tall tales about their possible behaviour toward others. It could be someone from the communities, a harsh staring resident or a visitor disappointed in the scenery. In the rain, there were a couple of guys who were returning from a hike to Heaton Flats and were looking at my rope....is this guy going to hang himself 8) ? Still this place is peaceful...yeah someone was murdered here last year overnight, but it doesnt have that harsh tone, it seems the hikers attracted here are much more interested in others wellbeing, just trying to survive Iron or the Bridge to Nowhere. A lot of animated talk about the adventure, the bungee jump, or the bridge/road itself, even at the parking lot where they rest up, getting in one last look....the drive back to Hwy39 where the west fork cars are returning...its on.....
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Post by Taco »

Nice poem! 8) Seriously, that was good.
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Post by MikeSash »

The folks at the Devil's Punch Bowl have reported 10 car breakins within the past month and a half

Post by FIGHT ON »

bait cars
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Post by JMunaretto »

according to John Robinson the bandidos have been hiding in the San Gabriels for a loooong time. Pacifico mountain allegedly was named by some famous bandido, but I forget his name.
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Post by Taco »

MikeSash wrote:The folks at the Devil's Punch Bowl have reported 10 car breakins within the past month and a half
Jeeeebus!!!!!! :shock:


M14 Toe Poppers would do grand things in this sorta situation.
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

JMunaretto wrote:according to John Robinson the bandidos have been hiding in the San Gabriels for a loooong time. Pacifico mountain allegedly was named by some famous bandido, but I forget his name.
Tibercio Vasquez.
Mt. Pacifico, Chilao Flats, Vasquez Rocks, and Vasquez Creek all owe there names to him or to his gang.
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Post by AW~ »


interesting parts to it....its a big file, but here was some excerpts...

65,000 gallons of human waster /yr
120 tons of trash removed/yr

This is estimated to be only 60–70% of the trash
and human waste generated in the canyon

The understaffed Forest Service currently collects
and removes approximately 200 32-gallon bags of uncontained
trash per weekend day

More than 10,000 visitors every weekend.90 minute drive to 10 million people. The recreational demand is expected to increase by as much as 15 to 35 percent over the next two decades.


Sad to hear about Devils Punchbowl. Only been there once, and it was crowded, short trails including. I thought they had someone watching the place????

As for the above plan, I thought it was elistist, portraying guess who...latinos as dumb,uneducated, and stressed out. There was even a blurb about giving the WF road a better design so the user group doesnt get lost. Another comment about how acceptable it is for this user group to not bring trash back from the SG east river..solution was to install trash receptacles along the river....
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Post by HikeUp »

Thanks for the link AW. I did not know about this effort to "save" the river.
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Post by Rick M »

Fight On said
Sorry. I did not have a friendowl zip lock baggy. Even I have limits.
AW posted these stats: 65,000 gallons of human waster /yr

Not sure if they still do this but I remember at the Colorado River on the New Hance trail in the Grand Canyon having to bag solid waste and the same on routes on Mt Rainier. I thought it was kind of cool especially when you talk to other "less environmentally concerned" people about this. Really disgusted some people when you pull it out of your pack and people ask what it is :shock:

Not sure what the dynamics are but on most day hikes and even some over nighters, I don't have bowl movements. :oops:
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Post by simonov »

While on this subject, interesting article with video here.
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