Baldy via Ski Hut 5/4

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Post by JMunaretto »

Recent reports I've heard of make a hike up to the top feasible without crampons although poles were recommended. It seems the area past the ski hut but just below the ridge is the problem area b/c it is steep with snow and the trail is difficult to find, but hopefully it won't be bad. Going down via Devil's Backbone is allegedly less of an issue, so I'm planning on doing the loop starting at 0900.

Post by FIGHT ON »

JM. I have not been on that trail since it has snowed. I know the ski hut trail going up past those boulders is as you said. But I would double check that devils backbone trail conditions before I went down it. There is a part of that trail just before the actual tight rope section that is in my opinion REALLY REALLY STEEP and if you go down there w/o an ice axe, well. Have you been on that trail before? If you have you should remember that part. It is dug out of the side of a steep section and every time I have been on it which is when it has no snow, you have to wait for people coming in the opposite direction to complete it before you start. Hard to pass in the middle. And if there is snow there, forget it. It's steep dude and way down. IT'S "DUDE" STEEP! :D
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Post by Rob »

JMunaretto wrote:Going down via Devil's Backbone .... doing the loop ....
Heading downhill, after Baldy Notch, do most hikers descend to Manker Flat using a combination of access road and foot trail? Seems like the foot trail shortcuts save a lot of time; however, there is a section of foot trail in the middle that I did not like last year so I switched back to road for a while.
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

Rob wrote:
JMunaretto wrote:Going down via Devil's Backbone .... doing the loop ....
Heading downhill, after Baldy Notch, do most hikers descend to Manker Flat using a combination of access road and foot trail? Seems like the foot trail shortcuts save a lot of time; however, there is a section of foot trail in the middle that I did not like last year so I switched back to road for a while.
Well, um, frankly, I find that section tedious, so the last couple of times, I rode the lift down. :oops: Some hiker I am. :lol:

Actually the ride down, facing out, is kind of cool. 8)

Post by FIGHT ON »

I ALWAYS TAKE THE CHAIR DOWN AND I'M PROUD TO SAY IT!!! :lol: :lol: Beats beatin your knees to death.
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Post by JMunaretto »

I know its a bit of a gamble to trust others reports, not always the best to interpret what's 'easy' for some people...I figure I will try to do what is possible, if going the part past the bowl is too snowed in and dangerous then that's where we'll stop, but I'm guessing it will be okay. As for the backbone, I had a friend hike it 2 weekends ago and said it wasn't bad going up, and it should have improved in 2 weeks with the warm weather...but who knows for sure.

I think I'll get to the top and hopefully talk to some people who came up the backbone and get their input if its okay to go down. If not come back Ski Hut way. Or I might just roll into a ball and go down the bowl.
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Post by Taco »

You should be fine.

I'm a sort of safety Nazi, so I would alays bring crampons and an axe. Woot.
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