20110724 San Antonio Falls with Patty

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by Taco »

My Army buddy Patty wanted to go on an adventure. I planned to try out a 'new' canyon near Heaton Flats, but there was zero parking... TONS of folks out. I never head over there on the weekends so I forgot how busy it gets.

We changed gears and headed to San Antonio Falls. This being her first canyoneering trip, SAF is an excellent place to learn the ropes, no pun intended.

She has caught the bug. :-) She really enjoyed it, and she did very well.

Rapp 1


Rapp 2

For the 3rd rapp (longest falls), I decided to take the new (to me) way down. I've always gone down the left side of the falls, where it's real slippery, and once on the far right through awful rock. This time, we went down through the actual falls from an anchor on the right side of the falls. This avoids having to do the final rapp/dump into the small pond. REALLY FUN, I think I'll go this way from now on except when it's very cold out.

Hi Patty.

Oh crap.



Rinse cycle

2nd to last falls

Myself on the last falls.

I had a great time. I've done this canyon a lot lately. There's new webbing up there, and the 3rd class bypass on the left of the bottom falls has new red webbing and a French screwlink dealie instead of a hardware store one. Very pricey! High dowluh.

Cheers all
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