San Gorgonio 4.10.2011

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Post by LetsGlissadeLhotze »

via Fish Creek/chute

Sat night stormy with 2 inches of new snow out of nowhere..

Got to the ridge here (10,000ft) and fell asleep for 2 hours and said screw it its too far away still...

Lots of snow still.. wish I had an extra day to get up there...
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Post by KathyW »

From the photo it looks like you were over near the Ten Thousand Foot Ridge or Lake Peak with how San G and Big Horn are in the background, but it's hard to tell for sure.

Did you hike in on the road to the Fish Creek Trailhead from where it's gated or take an alternate route? That is a long haul if you had to start at the locked gate. We were up on San G yesterday, but we took a more direct route starting at South Fork. The snow was mostly consolidated - didn't need the snowshoes we carried. It was icy up near the top on the north side.
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Post by LetsGlissadeLhotze »

Correct. and I had to start at the locked gate all the way down at the road... such a pain... Some guy drove past me twice near Aspen Grove in a 4runner at 11pm.. How do these people have keys?...... I took the trail until I lost it under snow and I decided to head straight up that huge chute on the left to the ridge... I reaaaaaaly want to get up to Gorgonio but the approach is so freaking long by the time i got up to that ridge and saw how far it was I lost ... fish creek is not direct at all....
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