Icehouse Saddle

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by obie »

Pretty fun day up to Icehouse Saddle. Sun out past 5800' or so and warm temps - tee shirt and shorts. Cool stuff.

Finally put together a good week of training on the bike (190 miles & 14,000' gain) so I thought I would attempt a short hike in the San Gabs to test the bionic leg.

It's been 6+ months since surgery and the my ankle is getting stronger. Had a late 9 am start, mostly because I've never been up Icehouse Canyon and thought it best to avoid the morning fog. The hike pummeled me pretty good. The last 3/4 mile to the Saddle became a scramble since the snow was soft and 2-3 ft. deep. People were cutting trail every which way and I completly lost the main trail, which led to some hefty work on the bad leg. Throw in 20 pds. of whatever in my pack and I was beat pretty good when I finished. I doubt I could've made it without the microspikes (Kahtoolas). They're great - light and pretty good bite.

6 hrs. for a ~8 mile hike? It's a start. The scree sections on the bottom of the trail were a real problem. I can feel the plate in my leg when my foot steps down on a rock and twists - not a good feeling. I fell once but just shifted quick and went backwards on my pack and butt. The thought of even attempting something like Ski Hut Trail after this makes me nervous. Got a ways to go to get my hiking back. Doing a lot of climbing on the bike helps more than anything right now.

Great to be out in the woods again.

Oh yeah, almost forgot. The stream crossings were a laugh. Decided to toss my pack across and scramble rather than walk the log like everyone else. First time the pack hits bank and falls back into stream. Lucky for me I tossed it upstream and it floated right to me. Nothing got wet inside. Comedy of errors.

Sun's popping out ahead. Welcome sight after a late start in fog.


Melting fast

Throw the Kahtoolas on - it's getting slippery and deep in some sections.


The sun's out, coffee's brewing and feeling good.

Nice blue sky up here today.
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

Nice! I went up to Crystal Lake today, and it was fog city.

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Post by rokclimbr »

Great TR, I was curious what the snow conditions were like at the saddle. Looks like there is still a good amount of snow up there.
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Post by obie »

HJ: nice being able to hike above the grey stuff. I live along the coast - still haven't figured out how to get above Marine Layer around here.

R'Clmbr: Snow's messy and still deep enough to cause some concern - I saw some postholes that must've been waist-deep. Given the state of my leg I was more than a little concerned about getting off the hill w/o any drama.
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