Bailey Cnyn - Hastings Peak - Toll Road - Mt. Wilson Trail

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Post by Hikin_Jim »

Anyone ever try a loop up Bailey Canyon to Hastings Peak to the Toll Road to Manzanita Ridge, down the Mt. Wilson Trail, back up to the saddle just north of Jones Peak, and then back down Bailey Canyon?

Just curious how long it took you and how steep it was, particularly heading from just north of Jones Peak up the ridge to Hastings Peak and the Toll Road.

Just looking for something to hike on Saturday morning. Help a brother out, here.

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Post by HikeUp »

Been there done that. I'll be happy to show you the way - I'm heading up that way early Saturday as well.

From TH to Hastings is 3000' in just about 4 miles and 2 hours. All up. Then a dip followed by a very steep but short climb up to the toll road. Gradual up hill to Manzanita Ridge, then all down hill to the heliport. Then a steep set of switchbacks back up to Hastings Ridge. Then about 1.5 hours all down hill to TH. Not sure about the time it takes to do the middle part (Hastings peak to heliport and back up to ridge - maybe 2 hours max?).

You can set up a short car shuttle between Bailey Cyn. TH and the Mt. Wilson Trail TH as well. Eliminates the gain back up to Hastings ridge.

Gimme a email, call or PM for more info.
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Post by blueshammer »

That segment up and then past Hastings Peak is a bit steep and crumbly, but there should be enough footholds, etc.


Have fun out there. FYI, if you have time to visit Mt. Wilson, the cosmic cafe is open from 10am to 4pm.
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

Whoa, dude, that's like so cosmic, you know? :lol:

Thanks for the photo.

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Ze Hiker
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Post by Ze Hiker »

I'm no mind reader but sounds like Jim wants to go on a hike! ... -se-ridge/
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

Nice TR. Thanks. 4:30? Dang! :shock: You was a-movin'.

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Post by turtle »

I ascended to Wilson via the route you describe shortly after the fire, then again several months later. Immediately after the fire the (recently plowed) firebreak was quite soft, making for slow going. But when I went back (after a few rains) the going was quite good.
Hikin_Jim wrote: Just curious how long it took you and how steep it was, particularly heading from just north of Jones Peak up the ridge to Hastings Peak and the Toll Road.
I'll concur with the others that the final push to the Toll Road is quite steep -- but it's really just a short stretch. As for time, I believe it took me about two hours to get to the Toll Road.

Can't report a time for the loop, as I didn't come back the way you describe. Turns out I went down the Rim Trail (which you ask about in your other post) to Sturtevant, then back up and into LSA Canyon, then down the MW Trail.

As of then, the Rim Trail was loose or washed out in a few places and crowded by poison oak for more than a few stretches. The bugs were horrible that day too! So I wouldn't recommend it!

And I did see the closed sign others mention. It was a small sign just a few feet up the trail leading away from the junction and up to Newcomb Saddle. As I recall it was simply white paint (almost like whiteout) scrawled onto one of the standard NFS brown stakes/posts with the retroreflective emblem.
Hikin_Jim wrote: Just looking for something to hike on Saturday morning. Help a brother out, here.
I may be headed for a hike in that area Saturday as well. If you or HikeUp are looking for company, send me a PM. Though I need to be back on the early side.
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Post by blueshammer »

Hikin_Jim wrote: Whoa, dude, that's like so cosmic, you know? :lol:

Thanks for the photo.

Whoops, they'll be closed until the spring.

turtle wrote: I'll concur with the others that the final push to the Toll Road is quite steep -- but it's really just a short stretch. As for time, I believe it took me about two hours to get to the Toll Road.
Here's a pic of that last stretch past Hastings Peak to the toll road taken in April 2010 (Hastings Peak is off-camera to the left). The going looks short but steep. You'll be fine with trekking poles.
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

Turtle, HikeUp, and I did a little hiking along this section along with my friends Will and John. I needed to be back by noon, so HikeUp, my friends, and I just went up and hung out on Hastings Peak and then went back and cut down to the Mt. Wilson trail from near Jones Peak.

Turtle went on to do the whole loop. We stayed on Hastings for about an hour. Who should we bump into coming up the connector trail from the Mt. Wilson Trail? Turtle. :shock: And he was at the top end of the connector trail.

"Turtle?" I don't think so. Your name should be "mach 1." I swear I heard a sonic boom. :wink:

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