Wardens Grove to hairpin 175 "Black Friday" 11/26/

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Post by mattmaxon »


Many years ago when I first came to the area I'd scrambled up this segment of Hostetter Canyon a ways.

I remember a slot like area and some Humboldt Lilies. There won't be any Lillie's this time but the slot will be.

I have a full load of canyoneering gear though I doubt I'll need it.

harness, helmet, 160ft rope, 50 ft webbing, 2 quicklinks. yada yada yada

Standard bushwhacking gear: sturdy long pants, gloves, compound loppers, hand saw.

I hiked up the familiar route from La Tuna Cyn Rd up the "Killing Fields" cutting 1 mile off the road. Up to Verdugo Motorway, right and right at Plantation Lateral. About ¼ mile to the end of the maintained road at the Wardens Grove.

Here there is another XC route on an unmaintained firebreak to Hairpin 175 , I should explain the name "Hairpin 175" is a shorthand mnemonic I use to remember the mileages on Hostetter Motorway. But this is the Hairpin turn 1.75 miles from the gate @ La Tuna Cyn Rd.

After studying my drop-in options I decided to hike the XC route down to a saddle and drop-in there, it lessens the bushwhacking a bit.

When I arrived I couldn't see the bottom but it is very steep and seems to drop off vertical, I donned my harness here, as doing it on a sketchy slope on a mountain side is not good.

As I crashed down through the brush it became apparent I was being overly cautious oh well, I'm alone and getting into trouble would not be good.

This area seems like where I got to years ago but after doing this down to Hairpin 175 I doubt it.

It is about as I expected brush wise and make my way though intermittent clumps of dense brush, I'm certain there is poison oak here too but it takes a trained eye to pick it out from all the leafless sticks and duff.

I passed through some segments that could have been where I got to but this is from memory 20+ years ago. There are several segments I'm not sure I'd have up climbed but it's a bit more interesting to me as a canyoneer today.

It's taking longer than I figured. As always ½ MPH is the gold standard for descending canyons,

I saw few signs of critters, a few old Bobcat scrapes and a couple unoccupied bird nests. No signs anyone has been here for many many years.

A couple false signs I'd reached the end and then I popped out on the road, dropping the pack and removing the unneeded harness. Must have been a sight for the 2 hikers strolling up the road but no questions, just a few odd stares, AHH I know that look all too well HA HA!.

I'm a bit disappointed I couldn't identify the spot I got to but , I'm glad I've ticked another trip off my list!
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