Mt San Jacinto via Marion Mtn TH

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Post by mattmaxon »

Mt San Jacinto via Marion Mtn Trail

The main reason for this hike is conditioning for a backpack trip in 2 weeks

But I don't need much of an excuse to get out on the trail!

I feel Mt San Jacinto is the nicest of the SoCal peaks I'm sure other opinions abound.

I left my home @ 3:45am and despite my reservations on the routing, I used Google Maps route. Probably OK with no or little traffic @ 4-5am on a Saturday, otherwise it'd probably add 1-2 hours to the trip.

I arrived at the State Park headquarters at 5:40am and obtained my requisite wilderness permit drove to Marion Mtn TH and got going at 6:15am

The bizarre SoCal summer weather continues with temps probably in the upper 40's, light but steady winds

The sign at the second road crossing was turned the wrong way this is about 1/2 mile from the trail head, so just be sure to cross the road only.

As you cross into the State Park you'll note the trail condition deteriorates further.

Arrived at the PCT about 8:12 am 1hr 57min, about 2.8 miles so 1.4mph ug!

You'd think I'd have learned by now but these wilderness trails on Mt San Jacinto are very steep and generally in poor condition. I'd estimated I'd be at the summit in 3-4 hours.. ain't gonna make it.d

I stashed my Gatorade in a nice pool at the San Jacinto River crossing a short distance where the PCT/Fuller Ridge - Deer Spring trails diverge. There was a work camp below the trail and I stopped to express my thanks to the trail workers, they are CCC volunteers. THANK YOU!

Knowing well the condition of the PCT/Fuller Ridge Trail to the Fuller Ridge TH my personal opinion is they should be working on some of the feeder trails like Marion Mtn, Deer Spring, Seven Pines, etc..etc..etc.. but I'm not in charge.

The trail up is closed in by Mountain White Thorn and the tread is poor, you cross 3-4 water sources too, this segment can be quite hot as there are few trees and has a good southern exposure.

As you approach Little Round Valley a flowing creeklet and birds fill the air with soothing sounds, clear pine scented mountain air with sweeping vistas of the Los Angeles Basin complete the picture.

The sign in Little Round Valley proclaims 9700ft 1.5 miles to the summit. My data shows that to be spot on. This was about 9:35am 3hrs 15min along.

The final big push greets you shortly a series of seemingly endless switchbacks. At least up very few people make shortcuts WOO HOO! I stopped about 10am for a 15min break, arriving that turnoff to the summit about 10:35am 4hrs 20min 10540-ish ft.

The summit is about 3/10 mile from here with the last 1/10 a bit of a scramble I summited at 10:56 4hrs 41min.

It wasn't the mob scene I've endured before but I wasn't alone either. I sent my wife the "OK" Spot message and chatted with some folks had lunch and started down about 11:21am making as you might expect good time clicking off the miles quickly arriving at Gatorade cache @12:50pm, 1hr 29min 2.8miles.

I left the PCT starting down the MMT at 1:08pm 1hr 47min. Going down is so much easier ! I'm not going at the breakneck pace a few groups where setting but HYOH! I passed into NF lands @ 1:43pm 2hrs 22min

I finally arrived at the TH at 2:22pm 3hrs 1min 6 miles.

This is despite the claim made by the sign saying it is 5¼ miles to the summit... I knew this value was, is, and likely has always been BOGUS!

I'd been expecting to meet up with my friend Bernd on the way down but miscommunication had reigned supreme, he thought we where doing this on Sunday...whoops
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Ze Hiker
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Post by Ze Hiker »

never been on Marion trail, they say its steep, what would you compare it to?
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Post by mattmaxon »

wrote:never been on Marion trail, they say its steep, what would you compare it to?
Oh kinda similar to Baldy Bowl trail
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