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Fox Mnt. #2, Condor Peak and Iron Mnt. #2 Loop

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 2:41 pm
by Travis
I went out anf finally hiked this 3 peak loop that I have been wanting to for some time on Sunday, Sept. 23rd. The weather was perfect, sunny yet cool with some light clouds. Everything smelled so fresh and the air so clear. I really enjoyed the hike, we started at mile marker 4.5 on Tujunga Canyon Road, hiked to Fox, Condor then Iron and back out via Trail Canyon Trail. Had to walk 2.5 miles along the road back to my car. Over 20 miles and 6000 ft gain. Here are my GPS tracks and Elevation Profile,,condorandironpeak


Re: Fox Mnt. #2, Condor Peak and Iron Mnt. #2 Loop

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:26 pm
by He219
6K/20 miles, sounds like a good hike!

Heyhey, first post for this n00b

Re: Fox Mnt. #2, Condor Peak and Iron Mnt. #2 Loop

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 6:07 am
by Rob
Travis, I like the way you added photos to your Google Earth KMZ file. :)

Re: Fox Mnt. #2, Condor Peak and Iron Mnt. #2 Loop

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 9:25 am
by Travis
Rob wrote:Travis, I like the way you added photos to your Google Earth KMZ file. :)
thanks, I also think it is really cool. I do that for every hike I do.
