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Inspiration Point 1-9-10

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 6:17 pm
by AlanK
I hiked up to Inspiration Point from Lake Avenue today. When I got to Echo Mountian, it looked like the Upper Sam Merrill Trail was open. I decided to take it and started up, passing right by a group of Forest Service folks. They said it was closed. I asked how I would know that and they pointed to a nice new sign. It looked like a trail sign, which I ignore since I know those trails very well. They agreed that it was not particularly helpful. I took the Castle Canyon Trail both ways. When I came down, the Sam Merrill closed sign had been moved to the center of the trail. Not a great "closed" sign, but certainly a better location. I would have noticed that the first time.

I had not been to this area since last spring. There is basically no sign of fire damage until one is very close to Inspiration Point. It was spared but a lot to the north and west burned. There was another great "closed" sign at Inspiration Point.

There were a lot of people out today, all the way to Inspiration Point. I don't recall seeing more than a couple people on Castle Canyon before but there were many today.


Re: Inspiration Point 1-9-10

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 6:49 pm
by Ze Hiker
why such a subtle trail sign? I'd go all Fight On on them and make a big sign 'TRAIL CLOSED. DON'T DARE TRESPASS. THAT'S ILLEGAL!'

Re: Inspiration Point 1-9-10

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 7:01 pm
by AlanK
wrote:why such a subtle trail sign? I'd go all Fight On on them and make a big sign 'TRAIL CLOSED. DON'T DARE TRESPASS. THAT'S ILLEGAL!'
I'd add ""I'm FIGHT ON, and I approve this message."

Re: Inspiration Point 1-9-10

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 7:18 pm
by HikeUp
Here is the sign that you speak of, today at 11:30a ...

Speaking of Fight Off, does this remind you of something?...
[taken today near Muir Peak]

Re: Inspiration Point 1-9-10

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 9:42 am
by AlanK
OK, we have before and after pictures! :D

I love the wheel picture. FO must be gaining converts. Pretty soon, the trails will be lousy with wheels. Or not.

Speaking of FO, USC has sure fallen apart.

Re: Inspiration Point 1-9-10

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:53 am
by HikeUp
:lol: Sign is missing 2010-01-17...
I looked for it in the bushes but couldn't find it.