Three Cups of Tea

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Sam Page
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Post by Sam Page »

I finally got around to reading Three Cups of Tea and posted a review on my blog. Here is the first paragraph:

In 1993, Greg Mortenson came close to reaching the highest point on K2, but opted instead to take the moral high ground, participating in a harrowing, life-threatening rescue of a fellow climber that dashed his own chances of summitting. Unbeknownst to Mortenson, this selfless event would serve as a microcosm for his future. Instead of continuing his promising career as a mountain climber, he would sacrifice his own self-interest by helping the less-fortunate.

Here is the rest of my review
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Post by bertfivesix »

I really liked Three Cups of Tea as well. Didn't actually read the book until after I met Mortenson (pretty randomly, he was giving a talk at a private event in our restaurant), but even before I read the full extent of his accomplishments it was easy to see how he was able to get so much done in such an austere part of the world.
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