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Echo Mountain to Inspiration Point

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 11:03 pm
by blueshammer
Hello, this is my first post, so I'll report on the ever popular Echo Mtn. --> Inspiration Point trek.

I hiked it today, and the crowds were numerous from Lake to Echo Mtn. At the top, the trail to Mt. Lowe was closed.

However, the trail to Inspiration Point is still accessible. The trail was virtually deserted -- I only encountered one group of hikers on the way there.

At the top, there were further areas declared off limits. The road closures notwithstanding, two hikers came by through the closed roads.

The burn areas are hard to miss. Looking towards Mt. Wilson, the contrast is stark.

Winds were picking up at Inspiration Point. The recent rains provided clear views throughout the day.

On the way back, I only encountered two additional groups of hikers. Returning to Echo Mtn, the crowds there were yelling to their heart's content trying to stir up echos.

There were a handful of people going up the service road to the west of Echo Mtn, where the SCE transmission towers stand. This photo was taken near the entrance at Lake. Was this fire road recently built leading up to the transmission towers?

Re: Echo Mountain to Inspiration Point

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 6:42 am
by RichardK
Nice first post and good pictures. Welcome aboard!!

Re: Echo Mountain to Inspiration Point

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 7:50 am
by edenooch
That "fire road" in your pics was newly bullsdozed during the fires. It used to just be a faint use trail going striagh up lake. I think its a better way up compared to the sam merril trail. about half the distance and more elev gain

Re: Echo Mountain to Inspiration Point

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 7:29 am
by EnFuego
Nice post. Welcome to the forum.

Re: Echo Mountain to Inspiration Point

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:41 pm
by simonov

Anyone know the status of the trail closures past Echo Mountain? I'd like to take some kids up to Inspiration Point, but there are three routes from Echo Mountain to IP.

Re: Echo Mountain to Inspiration Point

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 2:15 pm
by HikeUp
simonov wrote:Necropost!

Anyone know the status of the trail closures past Echo Mountain? I'd like to take some kids up to Inspiration Point, but there are three routes from Echo Mountain to IP.
Dunno if you've seen this post, but it's fairly recent.