Too Many Hawkinses

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by cougarmagic »

Hiked a loop from Windy Gap today. There is a super cool little shortcut up there, knocks off the couple of miles from Islip Saddle. It's hard to describe, but there is a steep use trail from a turnout that heads straight up the gully near Little Jimmy Spring. It gets you to Windy Gap in about 5 minutes. Sweet!

My friend Jane is an unabashed peak bagger. She wanted to summit Hawkins, so we headed up there first. Then took the ridgeline down past Middle, Sadie, South, SomeOther, and WhichWhatWhereNow Hawkins. We may have summited some of these. I know we skipped a couple, and at one point got entirely off course and stumbled around in some pretty flowers and shiny things (mylar balloons..). This ridge is really quite nice, considering the fire damage. The trail is easy to follow until you get toward the saddle before South Hawkins. That's where we got off track, but with the clear views in all directions, you can't really get lost.

Wandered up to see the burned remains of the South Hawkins fire lookout, and cracked some bad jokes about that ("Looks like somebody wasn't paying attention...!" har har har) The hike along the old road back toward Windy Gap is in bad shape. Lots of rockslides, downed trees, etc. There were so many animal tracks here I couldn't make them out, except that it is a deer superhighway for sure, and there is at least one resident adult bear, and one cub. Just when we were getting hot, and tired of the obstacle course, we stumbled on the most beautiful running spring where we soaked our shirts and bandanas, and filled up on some untreated GiardiaAde (low carb!). It was good, but not as nice as the water at Little Jimmy spring. Saw big'ol bear tracks in the mud here!!

The trail back up to Windy Gap is a federal disaster area. It was frustrating to climb over countless downed trees, and traverse scary scree slopes. But most of all it was sad to see that someone had worked really hard making it a nice trail, and now it's all been destroyed. This was obviously once a beautiful trail that had many work hours put into it. It will take many more if it is ever restored.

Back up at Windy Gap, we noticed a knocked-over sign saying the Crystal Lake area is closed....whoops. I knew that, but I don't know if that means the trail is closed or what. We didn't go into Crystal Lake proper at all.

Total mileage was about 10.5, with 3,200' gain. This was a nice day, and I'd recommend the hike -but maybe skip South Hawkins, it just took up time and you get the views from many other places on the trail.

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Post by HikeUp »

cougarmagic wrote:There is a super cool little shortcut up there, knocks off the couple of miles from Islip Saddle. It's hard to describe, but there is a steep use trail from a turnout that heads straight up the gully near Little Jimmy Spring. It gets you to Windy Gap in about 5 minutes. Sweet!
Did you happen to note the mile marker?
cougarmagic wrote:My friend Jane is an unabashed peak bagger.
Atta Jane! Somebody has to keep these peaks from getting lonely, and we know it's not going to be these rabid NHPS'ers! :wink:
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Post by Elwood »

That's a nice trip report. Last winter I strolled down 39 from Islip, up through Crystal Lake (whoops), fire road to So. Hawkins and the ridge back to Windy Gap. It's really beautiful up there. "GiardiaAde", now THAT'S really funny!
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Richard N.
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Post by Richard N. »

The shortcut is easy to locate.
Its no more than a mile past the old road up to Little Jimmy and will be on your right side just before the concrete water tank.
You can actually see the trail as well.
Keep your eyes open and you will spot it.
I do not have the road marker 411.
You'll know it when you are there.
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Ze Hiker
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Post by Ze Hiker »

that's what the maps are for!

used that way too. nice and short

that trail from S Mt Hawkins to Windy Gap was in pretty bad shape, especially the single-track trail part from Windy Gap before it meets up with the fire road.
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Post by HikeUp »

Yeah, I know where it is on a map and when I drive by it, but was curious what the mile marker was so I could tell others a more exact reference they can see while driving. (I forgot to note the marker when I drove past it last weekend :oops: )
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Ze Hiker
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Post by Ze Hiker »
From the intersection of I-210 and Angeles Crest Highway (SR 2), drive 41.6 miles on Angeles Crest Highway to a parking area on the right at mile marker 66.37. Park here (UTM 240006).
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Post by lilbitmo »

Nice trip report, good to note all the problems with deadfall in the area.

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Post by jeffd »

Thanks for the report and pictures. A few weekends ago I hiked the Islip Ridge down into Crystal Lake -- it's a mess of a trail also. I can't complain, though, as I was graced by a group of 8-10 bighorn up there.

Someone also had a car at Crystal Lake, which greatly confused me.
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Post by HikeUp »

From the intersection of I-210 and Angeles Crest Highway (SR 2), drive 41.6 miles on Angeles Crest Highway to a parking area on the right at mile marker 66.37. Park here (UTM 240006).
Heh. I was looking at the HPS guide for South Hawkins and this tidbit of info doesn't appear there. Not that I trust any of their info, but it is a starting point - thanks!
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Post by Taco »

You missed Slappy Hawkins and Red-Tailed Hawkins.

NHPS win overall.
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