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Big Bad Iron Mountain 6/11/09

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 10:50 am
by Bill
Iron mountain has been on my radar and lurking over my shoulder since I joined this forum. The groups description of it and the intimidating hike has been gnawing at my belly like no other, so two friends and I decided to knock it off our bucket lists. We could not have asked for better conditions as we set out at 09:00 o'clock on a cloudy June day. The cloudy almost drizzly conditions caused us to be drenched by the time we reached the saddle, with water falling off every bush we touched. No complaints here, it definately cooled us off as we trudged up the trail. I can only imagine how tough this would be under normal June conditons 90+ degrees. :shock: When reached about the 6,000 foot mark we emerged through the clouds for a spectacular view! 8) We were truly blessed with views of the surrounding peaks, Baden Powell, Baldy etc. The LA basin and views south were pretty socked in but that made for a pretty cool view non the less.

Re: Big Bad Iron Mountain 6/11/09

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 10:55 am
by AlanK
Way to go! You're now an official Iron Mountain Victim. I mean Veteran. :)

Re: Big Bad Iron Mountain 6/11/09

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 3:00 pm
by norma r
Good job Bill! Cooler weather is definitely a plus when doing Iron.

I want to go back there on a day when i can see the view. I have seen Iron from all the other peaks you mentioned, but did not get to see the other peaks from Iron in January.

Re: Big Bad Iron Mountain 6/11/09

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 3:46 pm
by Hikin_Jim
Bill wrote:I can only imagine how tough this would be under normal June conditons 90+ degrees. :shock:
Oh, yes indeed. My first attempt was in 95+ weather. I didn't gain the summit that time. Not much fun in that kind of wx.

Congrats to you. Anyone who can do Iron is a pretty darn solid hiker.


Re: Big Bad Iron Mountain 6/11/09

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 4:11 pm
by Ze Hiker
congrats on summiting the bad one!

Re: Big Bad Iron Mountain 6/11/09

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 12:40 pm
by EnFuego
Way to go Bill. I think I'll be tackling this one again in the next couple weeks. I can only pray for cool weather.