Foggy, cold Baldy/Three T's 6/6/09

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by Liz »

I spent a mostly uncomfortably cold and damp day on the trail yesterday. I started out solo, intending to hit 6 peaks, starting on the Bear Flat/Village Trail and ending at Icehouse. Well I ended up running into 2 hikers (one of whom I knew) and hiked with them instead. As the weather deteriorated, I decided it would be a good idea to hike with them. The visibility was so poor that I never even saw West Baldy, so I couldn’t even try making that summit. I did make it to the summit of Baldy in 3 hours, 5 minutes, including a 10-minute break. That’s not too shabby of an ascent time.

Anyway, we saw absolutely nothing from the summit, and man, it was cold. It really did not feel like Baldy in June. It was even colder at the Notch! We continued onto the Three T’s trail, which I had never done before. I’ll have to go back and do it, so I can actually see where I was! I was not in the mood to hike in cold, wet, densely foggy conditions, but that’s what I got. I know I can still look forward to a summer of great hiking weather!

We ended our hike at Icehouse and rather than bumming a ride from a stranger, one of my buddies for the day gave me a ride back to my car. I took very few pics, but you can find them here: ... 316753993/
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