Last front country hike for the season!

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by Liz »

My hubby and I wanted to do a nice, moderate hike today. Originally we planned on hitting Baden-Powell, but this morning, around 4:45 decided against it after checking and also hearing the weather report. We understood that thunder storms were likely in the mountains. We thought it would be smart to just do a plan B hike, so we did. Besides, since the highway will be open, we may go do a cool point to point hike with a friend next week.

We went up the Sam Merrill Trail, starting at Lake Ave. We continued along the upper portion of the SM Trail, then to Inspiration Point and finally Muir Peak. We'd never bagged Muir Peak before, so we thought we'd do it for the heck of it. If you've never stood atop this little bump of a peak, it's pleasant, but I'll never need to do it again. I just wanted to add it to my list of peaks.

Anyway, we went back to Inspiration Point for a relaxed break and snack time. Then we headed down the Castle Canyon Trail, and eventually caught the Lower SM trail back to our starting point. We covered about 11 miles and climbed about 3,000 feet. If you read my last TR from Saturday, then you know this was a nice break of a hike for me!

We saw a few other peeps on the trail today, and most seemed happy to be out and about. Honestly, this is my last front country venture until snow once again chases me from my favorite haunts. It wasn't all that hot today, yet it was too hot on the trail.

I'll be back on San Gorgonio this Saturday! :D

Pics are few, but they are here: ... 496999402/
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