Hermit Falls 4-18-09

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Dudley Heinsbergen
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Post by Dudley Heinsbergen »

we went to the renaissance faire in irwindale to get some extra credit points for high school, and we got tired of that because everyone was wasted but us, so we headed up to chantry flats.

couldnt find a parking space, until we found one that is, then we went down santa anita, passing probably 3 dozen dehydrated korean zombies, we made it to the base of the falls. did some backflips off the main rock. (you could tell it was the main rock because it had the most spray paint on it)

overall decision: dirty water, dirty rocks, nice trail, saw 3 snakes (gardner, rattler of equivalent size, and some weird army green one-foot sausage thing)

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Post by cougarmagic »

That ain't no garter snake - that's a California Kingsnake. Nice pic, beautiful creature!


Looks like good swimming too. who wouldn't want to be there instead of some overcrowded, overpriced ren fair?
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Post by outwhere »

This image scares me more than any rattlesnake talk combined... :wink: :wink:
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Post by EnFuego »

Yeap. A king snake. I used to see kings all the time out in the San Gab's, but haven't seen one in about 12 years.

Some of those water holes look refreshing. But they're dirty, huh?
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Post by brian90620 »

Cool pics and thanks for the trip report 8) , Ive been thinking about going there soon....... Hermit Falls is definitly one of my favorite places in all of the San Gabriels............ To bad fu@king idiots have too tag all over it :evil:...... Last time I was there I even saw trout in the creek below the main falls, which was cool!!!!!!!
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