Mount Harwood via Registry Ridge 3/24/09

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by Zach »

Lilbitmo and I hit the trail yesterday afternoon around 4pm. We had our sites set upon summiting Baldy via Registry Ridge. The hike up the ridge was snow-free for the most part except right near the top of Mt. Harwood, where we encountered some consolidated snow. Crampons weren't really a necessity. Winds on Harwood were blowing pretty good. I think they were somewhere in the 30-35 mph range, sustained. The backbone was clear of most snow and the section between Harwood and the summit had some snow and lots of scree. West side of the bowl looks like the best route if you lookin' to play with the white stuff. Anyways, upon reaching Harwood my feet were killing me (breaking in my new scarpas on a snow-less hike...not so good) and we decided to downclimb/slide the eastern section of the bowl, which I believe is the Devil's Backbone. Hit the ski hut and took the trail all the way back to the cars. Done by 9pm. Beautiful day for a hike. Great company as usual. I'm sure Lilbitmo will add his 2cents and pics.
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Post by lilbitmo »

I was sitting at work going over some files, keeping the corner of my eye on emails and Face Book when EnFuego and Liz were throwing some funny stuff out on Face Book. Next thing I notice is a "Hey it's to nice to be inside let's go grab a mountain". That was 1:15PM and by 4 PM Zach and I were headed up Register Ridge, the ground was moist from all the snow melt which made for easy going. Not much snow to speak of other than the area half way up where some piles were blown there from the wind that comes up that canyon just to the east of the big boulders in that area - around 8,200 feet.

The only other snow was the a 200 foot section where the "Devil's Backbone Trial and the Register Ridge Cross each other just before the summit of Harwood (that area just before you break out of Treeline and get into the scree near the last ridge). The sustained winds were chilling both of us to the bone so we were throwing on warmer cloathes quickly.

Once Zack convinced me (it didn't take much as I was tired from all the workouts with the trainer at the gym, rehabing my bad knee) that his feet were killing him, we did a quick fuel up and literally ran down the face of the bowl diagonally back and fourth - the dirt was so full of moisture that it was like "Glisading on Rocks and Dirt". We stayed in the chute that leads directly down to the Ski Hut and becomes the creek right next to the HUT.

We made the summit of Harwood in two and half hours, 15 minutes on top, 20 minutes down to the Ski Hut, 20 minute break to get all the rocks out of our boots and back to the car before 9, great day, great sunset over Baldy from Harwood and great company.

Thanks for saying yes at the last minute Zach.

See Pictures here and they are in reverse order, sorry :D ... =slideshow
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norma r
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Post by norma r »

Cool way to spend an afternoon! wish i was close enough to do that. but the traffic between me and Baldy at that hour would not make it feasible.

thanks for the post!
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Post by 406 »

thanks for the photos, helps with deciding ski location this weekend.
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Post by EnFuego »

Patrick, Zach - wish I could've made it. Work has been on the slow side and would probably head out and go. But I had a meeting I couldn't get out of.

We'll hook up soon I'm sure.
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