San Gabriel Peak & More!

TRs for the San Gabriel Mountains.
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Post by Liz »

I did a cool hike today! Once again, none of my hiking buddies were available (okay guys, I’m getting the message.) So, I did this new route solo. It was a gorgeous day with plenty of sunshine, in between cloudy periods, with a pleasant breeze, so I couldn’t complain.

I started at Lake Avenue in Pasadena, on the Sam Merrill Trail. I quickly made my way to Echo Mountain and stayed on the SM Trail. I eventually hooked up with the Mt. Lowe West Trail and followed it to the summit of Mt. Lowe. It’s a cool trail, shaded and tree lined at first, then rocky and rugged. It held my interest. I was alone atop Lowe, which I’m guessing is unusual for a Saturday. I welcomed the silence.

After a 10 minute break I was on the move once again. I stayed on the trail, until it ended at the old toll road. I misread my map, and thought that in order to get to Mt. Disappointment I needed to follow the road briefly, before picking up my trail. So I did just that. I came to a tunnel, and felt that I may have gone too far. Luckily (or so I thought) I saw 2 hikers, and asked them if I was going the right way to get to Mt. Disappointment. They nodded enthusiastically. Well, they had more enthusiasm than actual knowledge on that point. I ended up at the parking area at Eaton Saddle. With more determination than knowledge I turned right around. Looking for this elusive trail. I met 2 more hikers, nice guys, who had done the hike from that parking area to Mt. D, but it had been awhile.

Eventually I ended up right back where my trail had ended. I looked across the way, and there was my Mt. D trail. Oh well, I’d added about a mile to a 17.5 mile day. I charged on, and finally got to aptly named Mt. Disappointment. Fortunately, I still had San Gabriel Peak on my agenda. There were a few patches of snow on the approach to San Gab, but not bad at all. Of course I had carried my crampons with me all day, so there was no need for them. Ha ha.

After a lovely time on San Gabriel, it was time to make my way back to the trailhead. I retraced my steps until I got to the Lowe area, where I took the East Lowe Trail, then eventually hooked up with the trail to Inspiration Point. Is it always windy there? I’ve been there twice this week, and it was windy both times. Anyway I then took Castle Canyon Trail to Echo Mountain and then ultimately took the Lower Sam Merrill Trail back to Lake.

Including taking pics, taking breaks (a few short and one longish one) and some confusion, generated by my detour, I took about 8 hours to cover 18.5 miles and about 5,000 feet gained/lost. I’d call that a decent workout. Bet I'll move faster next time!

Pics are at ... 947757628/
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

Congrats, Liz, you did a really great hike, with a lot of loopish (is that a word?) stuff. You went up Sam Merrill and Mt. Lowe East and down Mt. Lowe West and Castle Canyon. You've now done about the max elevation gain you can do in the front range unless you want to start from the Eaton Canyon Nature Center and climb SG Peak via Henninger Flats, Idlehour Trail Camp, Inspiration Pt, and Mt. Lowe -- now that would be some miles and gain.

Love to hike with you some time -- right after you get a lead vest, shoes, and belt weighing about 50 lbs. :D Well, maybe we'll have to have that SGMDF beer meetup -- the only way I can keep up with you is when you're sitting down. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by lilbitmo »

Don't take it personal Liz, some of us are really hurt and would like to be out there with you, but have to heal first.

Great hike, there's one way to slow you down for HJ, keeping taking advice and directions from "enthusiastic" hikers who have no idea where they been :D (that's halarious).

One more week and I'm going out no matter what. Anyone got any "Pocket Steroids" for a bad knee? :shock: How about some "Cortisone" or some "Demoral" to numb the pain :wink: , that and a knee brace and I can at least pretend I'm having fun.

I look forward to hiking with you when I'm healed up. Then we can cover some ground with HJ and a few others.
I'm glad you didn't let the fact no one else went keep you from enjoying the day - some of the best hikes are the quiet ones that allow you to collect your thoughts and just be alone - :D
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Post by Liz »

I like to hike with a buddy or 2, but I also love to do solo hikes. I've been a paid hike leader before, so I'm really over doing large group hikes. Anyway, Libitmo, I think you have hiked with EnFuego, who is now a hiking buddy of mine too. We'll all get out on the trail together sometime soon...then have a yummy dinner! I ate a giant burrito and some frozen yogurt after my hike. I'm ready for bed, but my tummy's ready for more food. Ha ha!
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Post by EnFuego »

Wow, sounds like you had a good day. I'm actually kind of relieved I couldn't make it out with you. If I had, you wouldn't have completed the hike as quickly as you did. :lol:

But on serious note, you did some great mileadge and elevation gain. When you're ready for a slow, relaxing stroll, then give me a call. :D

And don't forget the little "secret mission". It should be coming up soon. Hopefully this weekend.

P.S.S. - Those are some nice pics. I really like hiking when it's slightly overcast. When I'm in cloud cover, I really love it.
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Post by Liz »

A relaxed stroll? I only do those after dinner in a nearby park. When I hike, I like to move and sweat!
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Post by AW~ »

I dont know HikingJim, I dont think she would be fazed by starting from Eaton...maybe Monrovia canyon? I mean as fast as these people are going we have to think big...I would put Triplet Rocks on their list.
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Post by Liz »

Me phased? Never. I'm strong and love to push my body hard! :P
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Post by Ze Hiker »

if sticking with the front range, Monrovia Peak would one of the toughest. the big Brown mountain loop works well too.
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Post by outwhere »

AW wrote:I dont know HikingJim, I dont think she would be fazed by starting from Eaton...maybe Monrovia canyon?
I don't think starting from Huntington Beach would faze Liz :shock: :P

That's some big time moving there... I'd be lucky if I got through one of those trips per day :oops: :oops:

Boy do I feel like a bum...
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