Tom Harrison Angeles Front Country Trail Map on iPhone

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Post by hvydrt »

Found this today on the Tom Harrison Map page. ... ilMap.html

You can get the Angeles Front Country Trail Map on an iPhone. This looks awesome. Anyone ever use an iPhone to navigate?

If a wide variety of his maps became available on iPhone, I would definitely get one. It would be nice to have a phone as light weight as an iphone, that could also be a gps and camera. Anyone know how the camera on the iPhone is?
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Post by Hikin_Jim »

Un-freakin' believable. Pretty soon they're going to have holographic "heads up" displays that appear in 3D in thin air in front of you with topo lines, sat photos, etc. that you can manipulate as with Google Earth.

Dang, what am I going to do with my old map and compass skills? Then again, don't drop the iPhone... :twisted:
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Post by lilbitmo »

If it comes with software that indicates every so oftent that it recognizes that the person carrying it should turn around then maybe the folks in T-shirts and Shorts on the Skyline trail in winter conditions might just turn around before they need to be rescued. Maybe? :D Who needs map, compass, skills when there's hilocopters to come get you?
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Post by drinkingbuddy »

I don't have ITunes installed, how much is it?

If they put all the TH maps on this, it might convince me to get an IPHONE!
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