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Re: Attempted Baldy 9 Peaks Challenge, 02-Aug-2008

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 9:26 pm
by AlanK
FIGHT ON wrote:You got a map that has it named on it?

Re: Attempted Baldy 9 Peaks Challenge, 02-Aug-2008

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 7:08 am
by simonov
I've seen the trail to Etiwanda where it branches off from the short trail to Cucamonga summit, but is there a sign for Etiwanda when you go down that trail? I want to climb Etiwanda next time I am on Cucamonga but I am not sure how to get there and whether it is marked.

Re: Attempted Baldy 9 Peaks Challenge, 02-Aug-2008

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 10:16 am
by Hikin_Jim
I don't recall seeing a sign, but I haven't been up Etiwanda in quite a while. There's no official trail.

Basically, if you look at the topo map link below, you have to go east from the junction with the Cucamonga summit trail (approximately at point "A"). You need to drop down a ways first to a smaller saddle ("B") and then to a second larger saddle ("C"). After the larger saddle, follow the trail as it climbs NE. There is a bit of a use trail heading up the ridge, but I can't recall exactly where it takes off after the larger saddle ("C"). If you don't see a decent use trail, you can follow the main trail around to the north to approximately point "D". From this point, climb up to the top of SW summit ridge of Etiwanda to the smallish saddle just above point "D." Follow the ridge to the peak.

Alternatively, you could just walk the ridge all the way from the 2nd, larger saddle to Etiwanda. Taking the ridge all the way makes for easier nav, but it's a bit more work.,-11 ... tland%20CA

Re: Attempted Baldy 9 Peaks Challenge, 02-Aug-2008

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 11:07 am
by He219
simonov wrote: I want to climb Etiwanda next time I am on Cucamonga but I am not sure how to get there and whether it is marked.
There is a trail, but not well traveled and difficult to find most of the time.

Like Jim wrote, follow the ridge to Etiwanda.
Try not to get too close to the edge ..


Cucamonga & Etiwanda Peaks - Oct. 12th, 2007

Re: Attempted Baldy 9 Peaks Challenge, 02-Aug-2008

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 11:22 am
by HikeUp
Is it possible, when returning from Etiwanda, to contour around the north side of Cucamonga to avoid some elevation gain? My guess is it is probably not worth the effort.

Re: Attempted Baldy 9 Peaks Challenge, 02-Aug-2008

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 11:43 am
by Hikin_Jim
Probably not. The regular trail doesn't go to the summit itself, so at least you don't have to re-summit.

Re: Attempted Baldy 9 Peaks Challenge, 02-Aug-2008

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 12:22 pm
by Tim
HikeUp wrote:Is it possible, when returning from Etiwanda, to contour around the north side of Cucamonga to avoid some elevation gain? My guess is it is probably not worth the effort.
I think I read in a TR somewhere that someone has tried this, but maybe it was during the winter. It's not worth the trouble, IMO.

There's no sign at the turnoff from the trail to Etiwanda. After the second saddle you can tell you're getting closer to the peak so just keep an eye out for a turnoff on the right (south) side of the trail. The main trail is in good shape and mainly gets indistinct in the broad, flat areas of the ridge near Cucamonga.

Re: Attempted Baldy 9 Peaks Challenge, 02-Aug-2008

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 12:44 pm
by He219
HikeUp wrote:Is it possible, when returning from Etiwanda, to contour around the north side of Cucamonga to avoid some elevation gain? My guess is it is probably not worth the effort.
Direct is better. We tried going around north last year.
Huge detour, turned around after gaining even more elevation ..

Re: Attempted Baldy 9 Peaks Challenge, 02-Aug-2008

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 12:59 pm
by HikeUp
Thanks Jim, Tim and Uhu for the 1st hand info. Priceless! :D

Re: Attempted Baldy 9 Peaks Challenge, 02-Aug-2008

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 4:38 pm
by Taco
Yeah, going back up Cucamonga from Etiwanda seemed to go by real fast, for some reason.

Re: Attempted Baldy 9 Peaks Challenge, 02-Aug-2008

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 11:02 pm
by Rob
Tim wrote:my car was parked outside the Visitor Center. .... up Bear Canyon Rd. .... My GPS could not receive any signals .... it didn't start recording until he dropped me off.
I've ascended BCT 3 times and each time been unable to get a good jumping-off GPS fix at the Visitor's Center. My Garmin says it acquired satellites, but later when I review the track, the fixes jump hundreds of yards in all directions.

Re: Attempted Baldy 9 Peaks Challenge, 02-Aug-2008

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 11:17 pm
by Rob
FIGHT ON wrote:
HikeUp wrote:If I ever go hiking with you people, I'm leading! :D
what? then you'll miss all the fun!
When FIGHT ON says XC, he means he missed another switchback. :D

Re: Attempted Baldy 9 Peaks Challenge, 02-Aug-2008

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 8:49 pm
Tim wrote: I started at the Visitor Center at 4:30am. I was the first one there, but within a few minutes an old guy in a truck pulled up to get his permit from the bulletin board. Was this the elusive Fight On?

NO! It was not. I just talked to Charles tonight and he had arrived at the visitor center shortly after you did Tim. Like at 4:35. He told me he saw you and was friendly. Now that should have been your first clue! :lol: Said he just basically exchanged hellos and off you went into the darkness.... BUT IT WASN'T ME!!!! LOL. SORRY SUCKA!

Re: Attempted Baldy 9 Peaks Challenge, 02-Aug-2008

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 7:47 pm
by JMunaretto
Yeah Tim, you didn't look too happy when we saw you around Telegraph! Was it mostly about the heat, lack of sleep, water, food, or a combination?

I think I need to try some of these longer challenges. I actually can lug up less water initially up Bear Canyon if I stop at Baldy Notch and fill up at the water fountain. I can start with 4 then fill up 5 more and try to get 8 peaks. For me water is definitely a problem. I can carry enough food to last me as I don't eat very much during hikes anyways.

I think, even in the heat, your hike wouldn't be so terrible if you had more sleep and enough food & water.

Re: Attempted Baldy 9 Peaks Challenge, 02-Aug-2008

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 8:08 pm
JMunaretto wrote:I think I need to try some of these longer challenges. I actually can lug up less water initially up Bear Canyon if I stop at Baldy Notch and fill up at the water fountain. I can start with 4 then fill up 5 more and try to get 8 peaks.
Silver Moccasin Trail

Re: Attempted Baldy 9 Peaks Challenge, 02-Aug-2008

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 1:31 pm
by Tim
JMunaretto wrote:Was it mostly about the heat, lack of sleep, water, food, or a combination?... I think, even in the heat, your hike wouldn't be so terrible if you had more sleep and enough food & water.
It was mostly being nauseated. But that was probably caused by the heat and an empty stomach. I didn't eat very much and after all these years of hiking I still haven't figured out a good method of eating right. The lack of sleep didn't help and I had technical difficulties with my shoes which felt like they were ripping my toenails off on the downhills.

I don't deal with the heat well so even if I did everything else right, I still would have had a miserable time. I'll try this again in the fall.

Re: Attempted Baldy 9 Peaks Challenge, 02-Aug-2008

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 4:48 pm
by Cy Kaicener
The goal has been raised. Rick Graham has completed a 13 peak challenge in 16 hours. Now thats a long day in a fast time.

Re: Attempted Baldy 9 Peaks Challenge, 02-Aug-2008

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 5:40 pm
Cy Kaicener wrote:The goal has been raised. Rick Graham has completed a 13 peak challenge in 16 hours. Now thats a long day in a fast time.
I got money Kent goes sub 15.5 hrs. doing the back stroke! 8)

Re: Attempted Baldy 9 Peaks Challenge, 02-Aug-2008

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 8:37 pm
by Tim
Cy Kaicener wrote:The goal has been raised. Rick Graham has completed a 13 peak challenge in 16 hours. Now thats a long day in a fast time.
Wow, that's really impressive. Good job Rick Graham!

Re: Attempted Baldy 9 Peaks Challenge, 02-Aug-2008

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 8:46 pm
by Taco
That's alotta walkin'!