The solution is simple: spend less than the country takes in. Save and pay off the debt.
Sorry I have no specifics other than that. Analyzing a multi-trillion dollar operation would require...oh, I don't know, expertise and hundreds of auditors?
Nah, a single average citizen could do it! Just give him/her a super powerful HP calculator with Reverse Polish Notation. He/she should have a fully detailed solution with nothing missing and it better be here yesterday. If they don't, they ought to shut up and don't complain. Complaining is bad. Very, very bad. Better to just stick your head in the sand. It's even worst than total economic collapse of the United States. So we choose total economic collapse! Hurray!!
Wait a minute! Stop the presses! I have a specific solution with nothing left out!
How about we stop sending $250 million to Ireland to fund children's shows, ice cream stores and hotels and instead send that money to our National Forests.
$14,878,000 added by the House for the International Fund for Ireland (IFI). IFI, established in 1986, is an organization whose objectives are to promote economic and social advance and to encourage contact, dialogue and reconciliation between nationalists and unionists throughout Ireland. Despite the fact that peace has broken out in Ireland and the Irish economy is the strongest in Europe, U.S. taxpayers continue to fund Sesame Workshop, a shorter Northern Ireland version of Sesame Street; Ben & Jerry’s; a “conference to highlight development opportunities for chefs;” and two three-star hotels, one of which is no longer in business. CAGW has identified $249.6 million for this project since 1995.
There's $17 billion more worth of pork belly we could be cutting. Is that specific enough?