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Re: Hiker shot by hunter

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 12:50 pm
by HikeUp
Taco wrote: The debate clinic will be held after the Winter Mountaineering clinic. BYOB.
Will there be focus groups on tree hugging and bambi killing?

Re: Hiker shot by hunter

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 12:58 pm
by cougarmagic
HikeUp wrote: Will there be focus groups on tree hugging and bambi killing?
Right after the frog leg BBQ and bighorn sheep roast.

Re: Hiker shot by hunter

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 5:23 pm
by Taco

What the fuck is happening?

Just to dispel any myths, the NRA isn't crazy/evil/whatever. All they do is ask you for money.

George, perhaps you need to be enlightened. I'm sorry you apparently shot tons of defenseless animals as a kid for fun. Whatever I shot, I ate. To this day, whenever I come across a dead bird squirrel, or anything else in the road, I take it OFF the road and place it somewhere more peaceful. Just goes to show how little people in California seem to know about hunting.
For the the hardcore "seconlizards of the world" nra barbarians, it will probably never happen and they will live a deplorable life of deception, in that they helped to manage nature by selective destruction!
That's hilarious. I'll never stop telling him that when he's on a rope and I'm the one belaying him. Ty you terrible terrible human being you!!!!! :lol:

Perhaps you need a keyboard that doesn't have a caps lock.

I shouldn't bring religion into this... you don't need a Buddhist talking about this.

I'm not going to lock this thread yet...

Re: Hiker shot by hunter

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 5:52 pm
by everyday
Awww! thats so cute! I want another kitten now :D

oh, and yeah, he actually does stop n pick up lil dead animals off the road and puts em back in the woods so they dont just lay in the road getting run over like garbage. Ive seen him do it, he also does everything he can to not run anything over with the car, even lizards...which makes riding with him on the mountain roads pretty uhm...exciting

Re: Hiker shot by hunter

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 6:10 am
by everyday

Re: Hiker shot by hunter

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 1:58 pm
by Taco
That's just insensitive. Jesus is crying right now.