Rim Trail (Mt Wilson)

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Ze Hiker
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Post by Ze Hiker »

from what I could tell, there wasn't any closed sign for the Rim trail at its end on top of Mt Wilson.
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Post by benhaber9 »

Mt Wilson - 8/21/11

Decided to take a less-traveled approach for this Mt Wilson visit. We drove up to the summit and planned to do the full 12-mile Devore Trail loop. However, after getting a late start, we realized time was not on our side so we instead chose the shorter loop that involved cutting through to the summit via the Rim Trail hike (4.5 miles) from Newcombs Pass.

It seems people on this forum have been asking about this route as it was closed for a while following the fires. It is now open, however, quite sketchy to say the least.

Most of the trail is visible, but parts are faded away or covered by brush. Many parts on the trail require battling through bushes or squeezing under trees. Also, there are numerous points where you have to make difficult crossings on narrow paths (maybe a foot or so in width) while overlooking steep falls. On our particular trip, we encountered rattlesnakes on the trail and had to scare them off before making quick strides to get through the stretch. This experience, plus the lack of clarity in the trail, kept me on high guard for much of the last 2 miles of the hike.

Nevertheless, this is a very enjoyable and rewarding trail. Definitely not for the faint-hearted, but highly suggested for the adventurous types.

Wonderful places to stop and take breaks as well... Sturdevant and Newcombs are great recharging areas! Scenery here is definitely some of the best in the area.

Overall, this is roughly an 11-mile hike. 5-6 hours.
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Post by HikeUp »

Thanks for the update on the Rim Trail.

Sounds like it is continuing to go to shit. Since the last time I was on it in 2007 it has been described as progressiveley getting worse every TR I've seen.
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Post by shreddy »

Thanks for posting this. Last winter I posted wanting to know the condition. Sounds like something I'd like to do,.....snakes though. YIKES
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Post by benhaber9 »

Besides the poor conditions on Rim Trail, the hike is actually quite beautiful. The trail is mostly shaded and provides some great views.

As far as the snakes go... it was definitely an adrenaline-pumping and frightening moment. I've seen rattlesnakes before, but never actually on the trail and never as active. I felt a little like Bear Grylls trying to get past them. First tried to walk around one, but only to encounter a second one behind a nearby rock begin to approach me (maybe the mate?). In the end, we decided it was best to scare them off the path since they were being very stubborn as to not move. Sorry animal lovers, but rattlesnakes give me the heebie jeebies and we were pressed with time

I definitely encourage more people to take this trail... and hopefully the rangers will come around soon and give it a little renovation.
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